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Storefront customization tools

WebSphere Commerce Accelerator provides tools to change various elements of the storefront, such as the store or site's logo, flow, text, and style. WebSphere Commerce starter stores, showcase many such configurable elements. Depending on the needs of the store or site, the store developer can make additional choices for flow, text, and style available to the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tools by modifying the store or site's storefront assets. This section provides background information necessary to understand runtime storefront configuration and describes the JSP page and configuration file changes needed to enable additional choices for flow, text, and style.

A common customization scenario is a host (for instance, an ISP) or an enterprise (for instance, a franchise owner) providing additional flow or style options for their stores or Extended Sites. The information contained in this section should thus be especially useful in the context of the Extended Sites business model.

To be applicable across the editions of WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Developer, the instructions outlined in this section are based on customization of a consumer direct store. These instructions, however, translate to the multiple-site scenarios by performing customization on appropriate storefront asset stores, such as the consumer direct storefront asset store in the extended site scenario or the B2B direct reseller storefront asset store in the demand chain scenario.

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce Flow infrastructure

Style configuration in WebSphere Commerce

WebSphere Commerce Accelerator

Customer-facing stores

Relationships between stores

Related tasks

Changing store flows

Changing store style

Changing text in store pages and in notification messages

Related information

Tutorial: Adding a new Change Flow feature

Tutorial: Adding dynamic text

Tutorial: Adding style options


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