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Import and editing the e-mail template

In the next few steps we will create an e-mail activity using an e-mail template. This e-mail will be sent to a group of customers called a customer segment, and the e-mail will contain the e-Marketing Spot you created in previous steps.

You must configure e-mail accounts for inbound and outbound e-mail. See Configure the e-mail activity accounts.


  1. Import the e-mail template By default, the e-mail activity template is in the samples directory of WebSphere Commerce Developer. In this step we will import the template into your workspace.

    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to Stores > Web Content > MyApparelStore

    2. Right-click the MyApparelStore directory and select New > Folder.

    3. In the Folder name field, enter templates. Click Finish.

    4. Right-click the templates directory and select Import.

    5. Select File system and click Next.

    6. In the From directory list, enter or browse to WCDE_INSTALL/\samples\emailactivity\web.

    7. Select EmailMessageDisplay.jsp.

    8. Click Finish.

  2. Edit the EmailMessageDisplay.jsp file to display the e-Marketing Spot

    Tip: If you did not perform the tutorial steps to create an e-Marketing spot, perform only steps 1 and 2 below. You can perform the rest of the steps in this section, but the resulting email will not contain the e-Marketing spot text.

    Edit the EmailMessageDisplay.jsp file to display the E-Marketing Spot, MyApparelSpot, that you created in a previous step:

    1. Right-click EmailMessageDisplay.jsp and select Open With > Source Editor.

    2. Locate the following code and remove the two lines that read Remove this line to show E-Marketing Spot.

      <%-- Remove this line to show E-Marketing Spot
      <c:import url="${sdb.jspPath}include/eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp">
      <c:param name="emsName" value="ESpot Name" />
      <c:param name="catalogId" value="${catalogId}" />
      <c:param name="userId" value="${recipientId}" />
      <c:param name="storeId" value="${storeId}" />
      <c:param name="clickInfoURL" value="${toolsURL}/ClickInfo" />
              -- Remove this line to show E-Marketing Spot --%>

    3. Replace the text value="ESpot Name" with the name of the e-Marketing spot, value="MyApparelSpot". The resulting code displays...

      <c:import url="${sdb.jspPath}include/eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp">
      <c:param name="emsName" value="MyApparelSpot" />
      <c:param name="catalogId" value="${catalogId}" />
      <c:param name="userId" value="${recipientId}" />
      <c:param name="storeId" value="${storeId}" />
      <c:param name="clickInfoURL" value="${toolsURL}/ClickInfo" />

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