Develop > Business logic layer > Developing the business logic layer using the BOD command framework
Develop BOD Process, Change, and Sync services
Develop BOD Process, Change, and Sync services follow a common pattern.
- Add a new action to a BOD Process service
Adding a new action to a BOD Process service involves creating a Java command with the name ProcessNounNameActionNameCmd. This command is registered with the action code as an additional string.
- Extend a Process action
Extending a process action involves creating a Java class with the logic to implement, then registering it with the action code as an additional string appended to the INTERFACENAME.
- Exchange data with an external system before performing a Process, Change, or Sync service
Occasionally you may want to exchange data with some external system before the Process, Change, or Sync BOD command is run. The BOD command framework provides extension points for such integration efforts.
- Add post-processing business logic for Change and Sync services
The PostChangeNounPartCmd extension point allows you to add custom business logic that is performed after the Change or Sync service processing is complete.
- Use the ChangeNounPart pattern to validate a noun part
Each changeable part of a noun is managed by special command type called a ChangeNounPart command. This command provides a validate() method which you can extend or override to perform the own business logic checking to decide whether the change should be performed. The part to modify, the noun that contains that part, and control parameters are all made available to the command implementation at runtime.
Related concepts
Business Object Document Process processing pattern
Business Object Document Change processing pattern
Business Object Document Sync processing pattern