Develop > Business logic layer > Developing the business logic layer using the BOD command framework > Developing BOD Process, Change, and Sync services

Add a new action to a BOD Process service

Add a new action to a BOD Process service involves creating a Java command with the name ProcessNounNameActionNameCmd. This command is registered with the action code as an additional string.


  1. Create a command implementation that implements ProcessNounNameActionCmd. The name of the implementation should be ProcessNounNameActionNameCmd. For example, for the CatalogEntry noun and the Create action, the interface name would be ProcesCatalogEntryActionCmd and the implementation name would be ProcessCatalogEntryCreateCmd.

  2. Update the command registry to use the new implementation.

    To register a command, add a new entry to the CMDREG table. Where:

    Option Description
    INTERFACENAME Interface name of the command+action code
    CLASSNAME Class name of the command implementation to use
    PROPERTIES Optional: Properties to set on the command. There should be a corresponding set method on the implementation that takes a string argument as the parameter input.

Related concepts

Business Object Document Process processing pattern

Business Object Document Change processing pattern

Business Object Document Sync processing pattern


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