Develop > Business logic layer > Developing the business logic layer using the BOD command framework > Developing BOD Process, Change, and Sync services

Extend a Process action

Extend a process action involves creating a Java class with the logic to implement, then registering it with the action code as an additional string appended to the INTERFACENAME.


  1. Create a new implementation of ProcessNounNameActionCmd that contains the logic you wish to implement.

  2. Update the command registry to specify that the new implementation is used.

    To register a new implementation, add a new entry to the CMDREG table where:

    • INTERFACENAME=interface name of the command+action code

    • CLASSNAME=class name of the command implementation to use

    • PROPERTIES (optional)=properties to set on the command. There should be a corresponding set method on the implementation that takes a string argument as the parameter input.

Related concepts

Business Object Document Process processing pattern

Business Object Document Change processing pattern

Business Object Document Sync processing pattern


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