Develop > Presentation layer > Work with JSP pages > Storefront customization tools
Configure a Web application
All major aspects of a Web application are configured declaratively by means of Struts configuration files, including...
- action-mappings
- global-forwards
- message-resources
- data-sources
- form-beans
- global-exceptions
WebSphere Commerce extends the semantics for...
- action-mappings
- global-forwards
- message-resources
WebSphere Commerce uses multiple Struts configuration files. There can be multiple configuration files defined for each Web module. Each Web module can be tailored to a custom configuration for its purpose:
Web Module Description InitializationServlet Initialize the WebSphere Commerce application. This Web module also contains commands that will be executed through non-Web channel, such as the scheduler, WebSphere MQ, and so on.
Stores WebSphere Commerce stores. CommerceAccelerator WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Browser-based component for maintaining WebSphere Commerce stores.
OrganizationAdministration The Web module for the Organization Administration Console. Browser-based component for administering people, groups, organizations, and associated security elements.
SiteAdministration The Web module for the Administration Console, a browser-based component that allows complete administrative operations at the site or store level.
- Represent view implementations: action-mappings and global-forwards
- Map URLs to controller commands: action-mappings
- Define WebSphere Commerce error message resources: message-resources
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Struts framework
Related tasks
Customize the Web application configuration
Update the Web application configuration
Related reference
Example: Using the messaging system composition service
JSP programming best practice: Use the StoreErrorDataBean data bean for error handling
Related information
Tutorial: Using Struts tags, action forms, and validation
Tutorial: Extending a Struts action