Develop > Presentation layer > Customize marketing

Add a content spot to a store page


  1. Determine on which JSP files the spot will display. The spot can be added to multiple JSP files.

  2. Determine where on the JSP file to place the spot.

  3. Copy the sample content spot in to a new JSP file inside of the store Web application.

  4. Customize the sample content spot to fit the layout of the JSP files.

  5. Within the content spot code, give the content spot a name.

    Content spots should be descriptively named so as to include their location, such as HomePageAd, or CheckOutPageRecommendation.

    This helps to reduce confusion about where it will appear, and what content it should contain. If necessary, numbers can be added to the name to differentiate between two content spots appearing on the same page. Content spot names must be valid Java identifiers. You must use this same name when registering the content spot in the database using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  6. Add the content spot to the JSP file by dynamically including the spot using the JSTL <c:import> tag structure with any associated parameters. Your code should look similar to the following:

    <c:import url="${jspStoreDir}/Snippets/Marketing/Content/ContentSpotDisplay.jsp">    
    <c:param name="spotName" value="HelpSpot_part1" />    
    <c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{storeName},${storeName}" />

    If you are not using JSTL, use the <jsp:include> tag

  7. If you require more than one content spot per JSP file, repeat steps 2 through 6.

  8. Create the content spot in the database using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

Related reference

Example: Content Spot


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