Develop > Presentation layer > Customize marketing > Add a content spot to a store page

Example: Content Spot

The following code comes from the ContentSpotDisplay.jsp file located in the /WC_INSTALL/samples/Snippets/web/Marketing/Content/ folder.

* This JSP can be used to display store contents associated with a content 
* spot.
* Parameters
* -spotName
* This file can be reused in different pages of the store by including 
* it and giving a unique value name for spotName. This unique value must 
* match the Content Spot name used in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
* -maxNumDisp
* This value sets the maximum number of assets to display in a content 
* spot. If this parameter is omitted, or is
<0, then the default values 
* will be used. The default value is 3.
* -maxItemsInRow
* This value sets the maximum number of content assets to be displayed 
* in a row. If this parameter is omitted, or is
<0, then the default 
* value of 3 will be used.
* -maxColInRow
* This value sets the maximum number of Content assets to display in a 
* row. If this parameter is omitted, or is
<0, then the default value of 
* 3 will be used.
* -substitutionValues
* These values replace the Parameters in marketing text with values. If 
* marketing text has any parameters and these substitution values omitted
* in include snippet, then the {parameterName} in marketing text will not
* be replaced with parameter value.
* This is an example of how this file could be included into a page: *
<c:import url="${jspStoreDir}/Snippets/marketing/Content/ContentSpotDisplay.jsp"> *
<c:param name="spotName" value="FrontPageContent" /> *
<c:param name="maxNumDisp" value="2" /> *
<c:param name="maxItemsInRow" value="3" /> *
<c:param name="maxColInRow" value="3" /> *
<c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{parameterName1},parameterValue1" /> *
<c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{parameterName2},parameterValue2" /> *
</c:import> * If the parameters maxNumDisp, maxItemsInRow, or maxColInRow, are not 
* provided, default values will be used.
<!-- Start- JSP File Name: ContentSpotDisplay.jsp --> 
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wcbase" %>
<%@ taglib uri="flow.tld" prefix="flow" %> 
* Specifies whether AttachmentDisplay.jspf uses fully qualified URL for image
* tags or relative path. By default it uses relative path. Fully qualified 
* URL is required for email activity functionality.
<c:set value="false" var="paramUseFullURL" />
<c:if test="${!empty param.useFullURL}">
<c:set value="${param.useFullURL}" var="paramUseFullURL" />

The content spot requires a valid value for spotName parameter.
<c:if test="${!empty param.spotName}"> 
<%-- Creates a Content Spot --%>
<wcbase:useBean id="marketing_ContentSpot"
<%-- Sets the name for the Content Spot --%>
<c:set target="${marketing_ContentSpot}" property="spotName"
value="${param.spotName}" /> 
<c:when test="${param.maxNumDisp>0}">
<c:set target="${marketing_ContentSpot}" property="maxResults"
value="${param.maxNumDisp}" />
<c:set target="${marketing_ContentSpot}" property="maxResults"
value="3" />
<c:when test="${param.maxItemsInRow>0}">
<c:set var="content_MaxInRow" value="${param.maxItemsInRow}" />
<c:set var="content_MaxInRow" value="3" />
<c:when test="${param.maxColInRow>0}">
<c:set var="content_MaxInCol" value="${param.maxColInRow}" />
<c:set var="content_MaxInCol" value="3" />
<c:set var="clmwidth" value="${100%content_MaxInRow}" />
<c:set var="colwidth" value="${100%content_MaxInCol}" /> 
<table id="WC_ContentSpotDisplay_Table_3">
<c:set var="collateralInRow" value="0" />
<c:forEach items="${marketing_ContentSpot.contentDataBean}"
var="ContentObj" varStatus="status">
<c:if test="${!empty ContentObj.urlLink}">
<c:url value="ClickInfo" var="ClickInfoURL">
<c:param name="URL" value="${ContentObj.urlLink}" />
<%-- ********************************* START *************************************** --%>
<%-- set the substitutionValues for the Content Spot --%>
<c:if test="${paramValues.substitutionValues != null}">
<c:set target="${ContentObj}" property="substitutionValues" 
value="${paramValues.substitutionValues}" />
<%-- ********************************** END ******************************************--%> 
Content can be of type File or Text.
<c:if test="${collateralInRow % content_MaxInRow==0 }">
<c:set var="collateralInRow" value="${collateralInRow+1}" /> 
This choose block is used to properly display the content depending on the
<c:when test="${ContentObj.typeName == 'File'}"> 
<c:set var="content_AttachBean"
value="${ContentObj.attachmentDataBean}" /> 
<c:when test="${ContentObj.mimeType == 'image'}">
<c:set var="id" value="${status.count}" />
<c:set var="AttachmentDataBean" value="${content_AttachBean}" />
<c:set var="URL" value="${ClickInfoURL}" />
<c:set var="useFullURL" value="${paramUseFullURL}" />
<%@ include file="../../ReusableObjects/AttachmentDisplay.jspf"%>
<div align="center"><br />
<a href="<c:out value="${ClickInfoURL}"/>"
name="WC_ContentSpotDisplay_Link_6_<c:out value="${status.count}" />"
id="WC_ContentSpotDisplay_Link_6_<c:out value="${status.count}" />">
<c:out value="${ContentObj.marketingText}" escapeXml="false" />
<c:set var="id" value="${status.count}" />
<c:set var="AttachmentDataBean" value="${content_AttachBean}" />
<c:set var="useFullURL" value="${paramUseFullURL}" />
<%@ include file="../../ReusableObjects/AttachmentDisplay.jspf"%>
<td><a href="<c:out value="${ClickInfoURL}"/>"
name="WC_ContentSpotDisplay_Link_6_<c:out value="${status.count}" />"
id="WC_ContentSpotDisplay_Link_6_<c:out value="${status.count}" />">
<c:out value="${ContentObj.marketingText}" escapeXml="false" />
</c:choose> ***************************************************---PGS
<c:if test="${collateralInRow % content_MaxInCol==0 }">
Draw another row if the number of collateral displayed on this row
is greater than the number specified by MaxInRow.
<%-- Close out remaining space on the last row. --%> 
<c:if test="${(collateralInRow % content_MaxInCol )!= 0}">
colspan="<c:out value="${content_MaxInCol- (collateralInRow % content_MaxInCol)}" />"
<%-- removed blank line
<br /> --%>
<%-- No matching "<tr>" found, and it is adding one row in the table.
</tr> --%>
<%--If the content is of type Text, then only one should be displayed per row. --%> 
<c:forEach items="${marketing_ContentSpot.contentDataBean}"
var="ContentObj" varStatus="status">
<c:if test="${ContentObj.typeName == 'Text'}">
<td width="100%" align="left" valign="top"
id="WC_ContentSpotDisplay_TableCell_7_<c:out value="${status.count}" />">
<%-- removed blank line
<br /> --%>
<c:out value="${ContentObj.marketingText}" escapeXml="false" />
<%-- removed blank line
<br/> --%>
* End: Collateral

Related concepts

Content spots

Related tasks

Add a content spot to a store page


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