Reference > Analytics for IBM WebSphere Commerce > Integrate a store with Coremetrics for IBM WebSphere Commerce

CDFGenerator utility


Coremetrics requires a CDF-formatted file. To generate a CSV file in the Coremetrics defined CDF format as a CSV file, run...

Run this utility as the non-root WebSphere Commerce user ID. Do not run this command as root.


-dbtype Database type. Valid values include DB2, Oracle, Cloudscape, OS400, and OS400Toolbox.
-dbname For Oracle enter the database name using: hostname:port:database_name.

For DB2, just DB name is sufficient.

-dbuser Name of the user connecting to the database.
-dbpw Password for the user connecting to the database.
-schema Optional schema name to use. If omitted, the dbuser parameter is used for this value.
-clientid The client ID assigned by Coremetrics.
-langid The ID of the language to use (from the LANGUAGE_ID column in the LANGUAGE table).
-catalogid The ID or the catalog to use (from the CATALOG_ID column in the CATALOG table).
-output Name of the file in which to save the output. Note that you can specify either a full path, or a relative path using this parameter if you would like to save the file to a different directory.


The following example command generates a CDF file to send to Coremetrics.

cm_cdfgen.bat -dbtype DB2 
              -dbname mall 
              -dbuser wcsuser 
              -dbpw passw0rd 
              -clientid 12345 
              -catalogid 10001 
              -output catalogCDF.csv -dbtype Oracle 
             -dbname localhost:1521:mall 
             -dbuser wcsuser 
             -dbpw passw0rd 
             -clientid 12345 
             -catalogid 10001 
             -output catalogCDF.csv 

cm_cdfgen.bat -dbtype Cloudscape 
              -dbname ..\db\mall
              -clientid 12345 
              -langid -1
               -catalogid 10001
               -output catalogCDF.csv 

Related tasks

Generate a file that captures the catalog hierarchy


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