Modifying WebSphere Commerce JSP files to display Web Content Management content

IBM Workplace Web Content Management content is displayed in a WebSphere Commerce store page using the ArticleDataBean. This data bean accepts the identifier assigned to the content by Web Content Management. This information is stored in the CATENTRY database table entry for the content.

To display Web Content Management content in a WebSphere Commerce store page, the store page must be modified to instantiate the ArticleDataBean data bean.

For examples of JSP files modified to display Web Content Management content, examine the following files in the ConsumerDirect-IWWCMEnabled.sar file provided with IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce:


This JSP file displays an article in the store with the store's header, footer and sidebar. When it actually displays the article, it imports the page CachedArticleDisplay.jsp.


This JSP file displays all articles in the store with the store's header, footer and sidebar. When it actually displays the list of articles, it imports the page CachedAllArticleDisplay.jsp.


This JSP snippet displays the specific Article. It uses the ArticledataBean data bean to retrieve the content.


This JSP snippet displays the list containing summaries of the articles and link to ArticleDisplay view.

Also, the TopCategoriesDisplay.jsp file supplied with in the ConsumerDirect-IWWCMEnabled.sar file has been modified to have the link to ArticlesDisplay.jsp.


Related tasks

Overview: Creating WebSphere Commerce content using Web Content Management


Related Reference

WebSphere Commerce schema additions and changes

WebSphere Commerce database table: ARTTOPRODREL