WebSphere Commerce schema additions and changes

WebSphere Commerce content coming from IBM Workplace Web Content Management is modeled as a catalog entry. These content catalog entries are WebSphere Commerce managed assets, meaning they are enabled for workspaces.

Information about the Web Content Management article is stored using the the following existing database tables:

CATENTRY database table

Database table column Value
CATENTTYPE_ID ArticleBean (A new catalog entry type added to the CATENTTYPE database table)
PARTNUMBER The identifier assigned to the content by Web Content Management.
URL The URL required to access the Web Content Management content.
BUYABLE 0 (not a buyable product)

CATENTDESC database table

Database table column Value
SHORTDESCRIPTION The title of the article as extracted from IBM Workplace Web Content Management
LONGDESCRIPTION A summary of the article as extracted from an IBM Workplace Web Content Management presentation template.

Status information for Web Content Management content along with workspace-related information about the content is stored in the new ARTTOPRODREL database table.


Related Concepts



Related Reference

WebSphere Commerce database table: ARTTOPRODREL