Configure WebSphere Commerce integration with Web Content Management

Before performing these steps, ensure that you have completed steps 1-8 of
Install IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce on the WebSphere Commerce system.

To configure WebSphere Commerce integration with Web Content Management:

  1. Schedule new site-level jobs for the following commands using the indicated settings:

    Job command Associated user Scheduled interval (Recommended, in seconds) Comments
    FetchContent wcsadmin 600 This scheduled job synchronizes WebSphere Commerce content with the content in IBM Workplace Web Content Management.
    PublishIWWCMContent wcsadmin 600 This scheduled job moves Web Content Management content from the draft state to the publish state and indicates the state change in WebSphere Commerce.
    CancelContent wcsadmin 600 This scheduled job cancels content on Web Content Management when the WebSphere Commerce task group associated with the content is cancelled.
    RejectContent wcsadmin 600 This scheduled job rejects the content on Web Content Management when the WebSphere Commerce task group associated with the content is cancelled.
    GetExpiredIWWCMContent wcsadmin 600 The scheduled job obtains a list of expired content from Web Content Management.

  2. Ensure that the following e-mail notification messages are enabled:

    • ActivateTaskwithIdentifierInfoNotification

    • RejectTaskNotification

    • ReadyToApproveTaskGroupNotification

  3. Ensure that the e-mail messages are assigned to the e-mail transport method.


Related Concepts

IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce


Related tasks

Overview: Integrating WebSphere Commerce and IBM Workplace Web Content Management

Install IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce on the WebSphere Commerce system

Scheduling a site-level job

Enabling e-mail notification for workspaces