Schedule a site-level job



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Use the Organization Administration Console to schedule a job to run for your site.

  1. Go to...

    Administration Console | Site/Store Selection page | Site | Configuration | Scheduler | New

  2. From the Job command list, select the type of job you want to run.

    Although the ReleasetoFulfillment command displays in this list, it is not supported for site level jobs.

  3. Complete the following fields:

    1. From the Job command list, select the URL-based command you want to run.

    2. In the Job parameters field, type the parameters of the command you want to run in the format of a URL query string.

      For example, if the scheduled command requires that you specify the order and contract ID, the URL query string representation to specify these parameters would be...


      All special characters, such as &, =, /, and ?, must be encoded using standard HTML coding. If you use the form provided, the encoding will be done for you.

    3. Under Start date and Start time, provide the date and time this job should start running.

      The time must be entered in the 24 hour clock format.

    4. In the Associated user field, type the user on whose behalf this job is run.

      By default, the user ID of the current user is entered in this field. The value of this field should be the same as the value in the LOGONID column of the USERREG database table.

    5. In the Allowed host field, type the name of the host that should run this job.

      If this parameter is omitted, the job can be run by any host. This parameter is only needed if the scheduler is running on multiple hosts and if a job needs to be restricted to one of them. The host name should be in the form: name.domain.

    6. In the Schedule interval field, type the number of seconds between successive runs of this job.

      If this parameter is omitted, the job is run only once.

    7. In the Job attempts and Seconds to retry fields, type the number of times the scheduler should retry the job if it fails and the number of seconds before a failed job is retried. Both field must be present to re-try a job.

    8. In the Scheduler policy drop-down list, specify the policy to be used by the scheduler when the job has failed to run.

      Select whether the job is run only once and the next run is scheduled for the future, or whether the job is run as many times as necessary to recover all missed runs.

    9. In the Job priority field, type the number associated with the priority of this job.

      This value is inserted into the SCCPRIORITY column of the SCHCONFIG table. A greater number indicates a higher priority job.

    10. In the Application type field, type the application schedule pool that the job will be a part of.

      The purpose of this field is to constrain resource-intensive jobs to a limited number of threads. The application types, and the rules governing their access to resources, are defined by the user in the XML server configuration file. The default application type is null.

  4. Click OK. Your job is now listed on the Scheduler Status Display page and will run at the specified start time.

  5. From the Job command list, select the job, then complete these fields:

    • Recommended start time Enter in the 24 hour clock format.

    • Recommended interval (seconds)

    • Recommended priority

    Click OK. The jobs are now listed on the Scheduler Status Display page and will run at the specified start time.

The scheduler polls the SCHACTIVE table to find jobs scheduled to run. Based on the state of a job in the database, the scheduler on each node observes whether a job is running or needs to be executed. Therefore, only one scheduler runs that specific job at any time, and multiples do not run at the same time.


Related Concepts



Related tasks

Edit the configuration for a scheduled job
Deleting a scheduled job
Scheduling a store-level job
Scheduling WebSphere Commerce Payments jobs


Related Reference

Scheduled job states