Configure the SimpleOffline payment plug-in


Registering with the payment back-end system

Since there is no direct communication with a payment back-end system with the SimpleOffline plug-in, this plug-in does not require registration with a payment service provider for operation.

Configure the plug-in

To configure this plug-in for use in WebSphere Commerce

  1. Refer to the instructions in Configure a payment plug-in.

    The Payment system plug-in mapping XML file would show the following, for example:

              name="OfflineCard" >
                    PluginName="SimpleOffline" >
  2. Ensure that the payment system name of OfflineCard is reflected in the PaymentMethodConfigurations XML file and RefundMethodConfigurations XML file used by Payment Rules.

Pending status: Transactions are kept in pending status as defined by the SimpleOfflinePlugin.xml file. After the total amount of the payment instruction is approved, sensitive data will be removed from the extended data automatically. The sensitive data can be configured in the WebSphere Commerce Payments configuration file PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml.

A CSR can change the payment state from APPROVING (pending) to APPROVED in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator by navigating through the Payments menu to editing the pending payment transaction. To manually remove sensitive data associated with pending transactions, users with the proper access can edit the extended data associated with the payment (or credit) by navigating through the Payments menu in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

Special configuration information

In addition, do the following configuration steps to configure the plug-in properly:

  1. Set the supported payment methods for the SimpleOffline plug-in.
  2. Specify whether the payment method should keep transactions in a pending state for manual intervention. (Refer to the keepPendingStatus attribute for the payment method in the SimpleOfflinePlugin.xml file.)
  3. Specify the required protocol parameter names and length limitations for each payment method in the SimpleOfflinePlugin.xml file.

No JSP code snippets are required by the SimpleOffline plug-in if you are using the predefined payment methods provided with WebSphere Commerce. If you require the SimpleOffline plug-in to support a new payment method, include the corresponding JSP code snippets in the storefront page to collect the required protocol data for the new payment method.

Reloading Payment Rules after you have completed your configuration changes to load the configurations for use.

A WebSphere Commerce trace component for the plug-in is provided for you to perform tracing of the plug-in when necessary. Refer to Trace components for more information.