SimpleOffline plug-in deployment descriptor
The SimpleOffline plug-in integrates with the WebSphere Commerce Payments through the plug-in deployment descriptor. The following XML file is the deployment descriptor used by the SimpleOffline plug-in. The deployment descriptor describes the specific configuration requirements that must be resolved for the plug-in to work correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Plugin xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../"> <PluginInformation jndi="ejb/com/ibm/commerce/payments/plugin/simpleoffline/beans/SimpleOfflineHome" home="" name="SimpleOffline" version="1.0.0" vendor="IBM" independentCredit="true" virtualTerminal="none"> </PluginInformation> <ProtocolProperties> <ProtocolProperty name="card_number" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="payment_method" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="account" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="cc_brand" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="expire_month" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="expire_year" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="billto_firstname" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="billto_lastname" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="billto_address1" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="billto_city" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="billto_stateprovince" keep="true"/> <ProtocolProperty name="billto_zipcode" keep="true"/> </ProtocolProperties> </Plugin>The SimpleOffline plug-in does not require the use of additional properties. However, required keywords can be defined in this file through the use of the optional <ProtocolProperties> and <ProtocolProperty> elements, as shown in this example. Required keywords are can be defined in the plug-in deployment descriptor, the PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml file, or in both. For more information about retention mechanisms, see Retention of payment information in the WebSphere Commerce database.
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