Payment-amount states

The following table describes how payment amounts move from one state to another in WebSphere Commerce, as viewed by the Payment Rules subcomponent.

The Payment Rules subcomponent has a slightly different view of the payment-state machine than the WebSphere Commerce Payments. The payment-amount states in this table are similar but not identical to the payment states shown in the payment state diagram in the payment plug-in specification. For information about the payment-state machine and payment states supported by the WebSphere Commerce Payments, refer to the payment plug-in specification. The states shown in the following table are simplified states of the payment-state machine used by the WebSphere Commerce Payments.

Of the following payment-amount states, only DNE (does not exist), Approved, and Deposited are considered valid target states in a payment action rule by the Payment Rules subcomponent.

Payment amount state Description Valid target for Payment Rules ?
DNE The payment object does not exist yet. This is the starting state of a payment. Valid actions are Approve and ApproveandDeposit. Yes
Approving An Approve action was performed but the results are still unknown. The operation will eventually succeed or fail. Payment objects in this state can be canceled (through a ReverseApproval).

Offline payment transactions, such as those handled by the SimpleOffline plug-in or through the OfflineCard Cassette, will have payments in an "approving" state. To get the payment out of the approving state, manual intervention is required to complete the transaction for the payment.

Approved An Approve action has been successfully executed. Valid actions are Deposit and ReverseApproval. Yes
Depositing A Deposit or ApproveAndDeposit action was performed but the results are still unknown. The operation will eventually succeed or fail. Payment objects in this state can be canceled (through a ReverseDeposit).

Offline payment transactions, such as those handled by the SimpleOffline plug-in or through the OfflineCard Cassette, will have payments in a "depositing" state. To get the payment out of the depositing state, manual intervention is required to complete the transaction for the payment.

Deposited A Deposit or ApproveAndDeposit action has been successfully executed. This is an end state; no actions are accepted in this state. Yes
Canceled A reverse action has been executed (ReverseApproval or ReverseDeposit). This is an end state. No actions are accepted in this state. No
Failed An action has failed (Approve, Deposit, or ApproveAndDeposit). This is an end state. No actions are accepted in this state. No