Payment state machine
The following diagram shows the state machine for a Payment as used by the WebSphere Commerce Payments. It describes how a Payment moves from state to state when financial transactions, queries, or external edits are made against a payment and payment plug-ins are used to process payment transactions.
More information about payment states is available in the Payment plug-in specification.
When newly created (New), two financial transactions are valid on a Payment: approve or approveAndDeposit.
When a payment is in an Approving state, a possible financial transaction is reverseApproval. If successful, the Payment will move to a Canceled state. The Payment can also move to an Approved state by a query update or by an edit operation performed by the WebSphere Commerce Payments. This type of edit operation is commonly associated with offline payment protocols and timeout situations.
When in an Approved state, a Payment can be canceled by a full reverseApproval (the total approved amount is reversed), or it can expire during a query or deposit transaction. With deposits and partial reverseApproval (amount to be reversed is less than the total amount approved) transactions, the Payment stays in the Approved state.
When a financial transaction fails, the Payment goes to the Failed state.
End states for payments are Failed, Canceled, and Expired.
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