Updating Management Center preferences
{ popup.focus(); }You can change user application preferences for the Management Center, including the default store to work with, user interface language, format of numbers, dates, and times, the first day of the week to use when managing tasks, and help options.
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About this taskYour Management Center preferences are global to the Management Center, and are used as the defaults each time you log on to the Management Center. To change the preferences:
- Open the Management Center.
- From the Management Center menu, select Preferences.
- From the Preferences dialog:
Option Description Store Name Type the name of the store that you want to work with, each time you use the Management Center. You can optionally search for the store name by clicking Find to open the Store search dialog, typing a store name, and clicking OK. When you search for a store name, the Management Center returns a list of stores, matching your search criteria, that you are authorized to work with. When you open a Management Center tool, the store name specified in the Preferences dialog is selected by default if you have the appropriate access rights to manage that store in the selected tool. Otherwise, the Store list displays the Select Store option and explicitly select a store name.
Select the language that you will use when managing tasks with the Management Center. All text on the Management Center user interface will display in this language. This value is pre-selected as United States English.
If you select a double-byte language, ensure that the correct language is set for non-Unicode programs in your client operating system by selecting Regional and Language Options from the Control Panel. If the correct language is not specified, question mark characters might display in context menus within the Management Center.
Number format
Select the number format that you want to use as the default number format. All number formats displayed in the Management Center user interface will use this format. For example, all numeric fields and currency fields are displayed using this number format.
Date format
Select the date format that you want to use as the default date format. All date formats displayed in the Management Center user interface will use this format.
Time format
Select the time format that you want to use as the default time format. All time formats displayed in the Management Center user interface will use this format.
Start week with this day
Select the day that you want to use by default as the first day of the week when managing tasks with the Management Center.
Enable Detailed Tooltips This option is enabled by default and displays detailed help for fields that provide additional information within the Management Center. Select the help icon
displayed next to some user interface elements (such as a field or a list) to learn more about the particular element.
- Click OK to save your preferences.
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