Finding categories

You can find a category by browsing or using a simple or advanced find. All searching in the catalogs tool is case sensitive.

  1. Open the Catalogs tool.

  2. From the explorer tree, select a catalog.

  3. Find categories by using one of these methods:

    • Browse

      You can expand or collapse a category by clicking on the

      icon beside the name of that category. To open a category, double-click on the category name, or right-click on the category name; then in the context menu, click Open.

    • Simple search

      1. Navigate to the find area.

      2. Type a keyword and select a search object type from the list .

      3. Click the Search icon


    • Advanced search

      1. To perform an advanced find, from the list, click Advanced Search.

      2. Click Categories and provide any of the following category information; then click Find


        Code Type a unique identifier for the category.
        Name Type the name of the category.
        Description Type a description of the category.
        Catalog Type the name of the catalog to which the category belongs.

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