Process: Supply chain
A supply chain is composed of the enterprises that provide services to a business. WebSphere Commerce enables supply chains by hosting multiple buyers and suppliers, and allowing them to interact directly or through a private marketplace.
A private marketplace provides a forum for suppliers to offer goods or services for sale. Buyers enter this forum, browse through the available options then select the appropriate goods or services. Buyers can establish contractual relationships directly with individual suppliers, and they can issue RFQs or RFPs to selected suppliers. Within a private marketplace environment a single organization may act as both a buyer and as a supplier.
Supply chain admin:
This process contains the administration tasks used to control how the business operates. Explore these processes if you are looking for information on the business tasks performed by employees to support the site.
Supply chain starter stores:
This process contains the customer experience at the Supplier hub, or a supplier store. Explore these processes if you are looking for information on how the customers interact with the site.
Supply chain solution:
This process describes the tasks performed to deliver an up and running supplier hub. The information in the Supply chain admin and Supply chain starter stores processes are combined in the context of launching a business.
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