Process: Select RFQ responses
To evaluate RFQ responses, and select winners.
Once sellers have responded to an RFQ, the buyer closes the RFQ and evaluates the responses to select a winner, or multiple winners. Once the RFQ response is accepted by the buyer, the seller is notified.
- Once the response is accepted, the response is a winning response.
- Once the response is rejected, the response is a losing response.
Task Description Role Accept entire RFQ response Accept all items in the RFQ response.
Buyer (buy-side) Accept only some items in response Accept only some items in the RFQ response, if the seller specifies that some items can be accepted.
Buyer (buy-side) Evaluate RFQ responses Evaluate the responses received before the RFQ is closed.
Buyer (buy-side) Reject entire RFQ response Reject the entire RFQ response.
Buyer (buy-side)
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