Process: Process winning RFQ responses
To process winning RFQ responses.
Once the RFQ response is accepted by the buyer and the seller is notified, the RFQ transaction is completed through one of the following processes:
- The buyer places an order that contains the RFQ information.
- A contract containing the RFQ information is created.
- The RFQ can continue to the next round.
- If the RFQ is intended for order, an order is created with payment authorization that has been requested but has not yet been completed.
- If the RFQ is intended for contract, a contract in pending state is created, which is a draft contract that is complete and has been submitted for approval.
- The RFQ can continue to the next round if more negotiation is desired.
Task Description Role Create contract from RFQ response Create a contract from the RFQ winning response.
System Create next round RFQ request Create a next round RFQ for further negotiation.
System Create order from RFQ response Create an order from the RFQ winning response.
System Process RFQ winning responses Depending on the intent of the RFQ, an order or contract can be created from a winning response. If more negotiation is desired, a next round of RFQ can be created instead.
Buyer (buy-side) Specify optional contract terms Specify contract terms for creating a contract from the winning response.
Buyer (buy-side) Specify order ship to, bill to info Specify some of the shipping and billing information for creating an order from the winning response.
Buyer (buy-side)
Business artifacts
- Closed RFQ request
- Completed RFQ request
- Draft RFQ request
- Next round RFQ request
- Next round RFQ response
- Order completed bid
- Order with pending authorization
- Pending contract
- RFQ deployed notification
- Winning RFQ responses
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