Process: Process order end to end






Process an order from the time of the taking of the order until the order is shipped and received by the customer.



Shoppers create shopping carts containing items to be purchased. The shopper submits the order, after which the system takes the order through its life cycle until it is shipped to its destination.

There are several sub-processes that make up this process:

Capture the order

This process describes a generic model for capturing an order. Each store model could potentially have its own variation of this process. The process begins when a shopper decides to add something to a shopping cart. The process ends with a submitted order. In between, the shopper can add additional items to the shopping cart. A shipping address and method for each item can be specified. Availability of the requested items and quantity can be checked, and an estimated availability date can be obtained when the requested quantity of items is not in stock. The order is prepared, and prices are calculated for the order line items. Taxes, shipping charges, and shipping taxes are also calculated. Adjustments can be made to the order total. Coupons can be applied as a discount. The payment instructions are added. Lastly, the shopper checks out. The submit order for processing sub-process handles order quotation expiration, performs inventory allocation, recalculates shipping and shipping taxes if necessary, and handles order approval by customer. Checks are made in WebSphere Commerce Enterprise to check that the order was not previously submitted, that all the trading agreements are active, and that the billing address is updated from the terms and conditions if a billing address exists for it. It also request to get the payment authorization.

Note: Pricing is not described here. Pricing is described in a separated business-process model and documentation.

Process the order

This process takes a submitted order and gets it ready to be released to fulfillment. It groups those order line items in an order that are being shipped to the same address, on the same day, by the same carrier, and from the same fulfillment center. Items that have a product attribute of "release separately" will be put into a release by themselves.

Before creating releases for an order, the order payment status is checked to verify that the payment authorization has been obtained and is still valid.

Fulfill orders

The process supports the generation of pick batches for releases that have been released to fulfillment but not yet included in a pick batch. Creation of a pick batch includes the creation of a pick slip, a pack slip for releases, and an invoice. After the order is shipped it tries to capture the payment.

The inventory checking and allocation are usually done in the order capture sub-process. If an order contains backorder items or future order items, the inventory will be alllocated at the order processing sub-process.







Professional, Enterprise




Business artifacts
