Process: Give a gift






To allow a gift giver to search for and access a gift registry list, and to make a purchase from it.



A gift giver can locate a particular gift registry, review the list, purchase an item from it, and send it to the registrant.





Various business rules can be configured to change behaviors of IBM Gift Center. For details, refer to the IBM Gift Center section within the WebSphere Commerce Information Center.



Professional, Enterprise





Task Description Role
Add product to shopping cart

Adds the selected items to the shopping cart

Gift giver
Enter registry search criteria

The gift giver searches for a registry

Gift giver
Record purchase record

The system records that the items have been purchased and reflects this in the gift registry

Select a registry from search result

The gift giver selects a registry from the search results

Gift giver
Specify guest password

If the gift registry is password-protected, the gift giver must enter the password to view the registry list

Gift giver
Validate guest access

If the gift registry is password-protected, the system verifies whether or not the password provided by the giver is correct. If the password is correct, the system allows the gift giver to view the registry list; otherwise, an error displays and the task cannot be completed.

View registry list and select items

Reviews the gift options in the registry list and selects items to purchase

Gift giver


Business artifacts
