Process: Create current shopping cart
To create an active shopping cart
The Reseller can create a shopping cart by finding products in the catalog and adding the products to the shopping cart. The following methods can be used to add products to the shopping cart:
- Add products from a product page
- Add products from a favorites list
- Add products directly through the Quick Links in Commerce Plaza
- Multiple shopping carts can be saved as Pending
- Pending carts can be activated to become the current cart
Task Description Role Add list to shopping cart the favorites list screen, click on "Add list to cart"
Reseller Add part numbers to shopping cart There are two ways to add product directly to the shopping cart. The first is to enter the part number into the "Add to Order" field on the Commerce Plaza homepage. The second way is to select the "Add multiple part numbers to order" link from the homepage, and enter the part numbers into the list provided.
Reseller Add product to shopping cart Adds the selected items to the shopping cart
Reseller Adjust quantity Change the amount in the "Quantity" field and click on the "Update" link.
Reseller Save shopping cart Save shopping cart for further update.
Reseller Select a favorites list From the home page, click on "View my Favorites lists". Select the desired favorites list.
Reseller Select pending shopping cart Select an existing shopping cart from the Pending list, and make it the current cart. The existing shopping cart may have an associated quote, depending on whether a quote was previously requested for it.
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