Process: Find product (Commerce Plaza)
To find a product in a fast, easy, and flexible way
A reseller can find a product of interest in the store's catalog using many different methods. Refer to the features list for details. If an item is not found by the reseller, they can always restart the process.
A reseller may choose to find products by:
- Browsing the store catalog, adding any product into the shopping cart.
- Selecting the link to the store's featured products
- Searching the store catalog using various search criteria.
- Selecting the link to an advertising campaign, either on the page or through an email campaign
Task Description Role Browse featured items From the Commerce Plaza home page, select the "Browse featured items" link
Reseller Enter search term In simple search mode, the customer can type one line of text for the search criteria. In advanced search mode, a variety of search criteria can be specified. Refer to the IBM WebSphere Commerce Sample Store Guide for details.
Reseller Select advertised product The customer clicks on the advertised product; the product page displays.
Reseller Select attributes If the product has one or more attribute, the customer can choose values for the attributes. Once the attributes are specified, the page that contains the matching product item displays.
Reseller Select category Select an existing category within a Master Catalog or Sales Catalog to add to the current Sales Catalog.
Reseller Select product The customer clicks on a product link, and the product information displays. The customer may be able to specify product attributes on this page.
Reseller Select product in the e-mail The customer clicks on a link or image of the product; the product page displays.
Reseller Select subcategory The customer clicks on a category link, and the page that contains all of the subcategories or products displays.
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