Process: Create business account






To set up a business relationship with a customer



Business accounts represent the relationship between the owner of a store and the store's customer organizations and are the starting point for managing business relationships. Using business accounts, you can track contracts and orders for customer organizations and configure the purchasing process in a store for Buyers from customer organizations.

A business account contains the following information about a customer organization:

Before creating a business account for a customer organization, the customer organization must already exist in WebSphere Commerce. Also, at least one person associated with the customer organization should be a registered customer, since a contact at the customer organization is required when creating a business account.

The business account can be used to contain base contracts. The contracts under this account are intended to be shared by customer contracts to share the terms and conditions in the base contracts.





Create accounts at different levels in the organization tree, rather than only at the top level as allowed by the WebSphere Commerce tools.








Task Description Role
Assign Account Representative

Assign the Account Representative from the Seller organization who will be responsible for this business account.

Sales Manager
Find customer organization

Find the customer organization in the system who will be the account holder of the business account.

Sales Manager
Set up business account

Create a business account by specifying :

  • customer organization and customer contact name, and contact information
  • Seller organization and Seller contact name
  • the preferred price list to be used in contracts under this account (if there are multiple price lists associated with the store). The catalog filter in the contracts will default to the selected price list. It can be specified whether the price list can be changed in the contract, or if this price list must be used.
Sales Manager


Business artifacts
