Process: Close RFQ
To close an RFQ. Once an RFQ is closed, no more responses can be submitted.
Before the buyer can accept or reject any response, the RFQ must be closed. Once the RFQ is closed, responses are no longer accepted.
Once sellers have responded to the RFQ, the buyer closes the RFQ and evaluates the responses to select a winner, or multiple winners.
- Once an RFQ is closed, no more responses will be accepted. All responses are in evaluation state.
Task Description Role Cancel all draft RFQ responses When the RFQ is closed, all responses in draft state will be cancelled and will not be included for evaluation.
System Close RFQ automatically Close the RFQ when the closing rule is met or when the closing time is reached. Once the RFQ is closed, no more responses will be accepted. Before the buyer can accept or reject any response, the RFQ must be closed.
System Close RFQ manually Close the RFQ. Once the RFQ is closed, no more responses will be accepted. Before the buyer can accept or reject any response, the RFQ must be closed.
Buyer (buy-side)
Business artifacts
- Active RFQ request
- Active RFQ response
- Cancelled RFQ response
- Closed RFQ request
- Draft RFQ response
- In-evaluation RFQ responses
- RFQ closed notification
- RFQ response submitted notification
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