Configure Microsoft Active Directory for use with WebSphere Commerce
If you use Microsoft Windows Active Directory, complete the steps on this page.Prerequisite
- Ensure that WebSphere Commerce is installed and configured.
- Ensure the following Microsoft Windows components are installed:
- Active Directory
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Certificate Services for Enterprise Root Certificate Authority (CA)
- Ensure that the Microsoft Windows Active Directory administrator has Domain Administrator user rights.
- Ensure that Certificate Services has been properly configured to download a base-64 encoded CA certificate.
- Ensure that you use SSL to connect to your Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP server with your WebSphere Commerce Machine.
To configure Microsoft Windows Active Directory, complete the following steps:
- Choose or create a domain controller or organization in your LDAP server that you would like to map to the Root Organization in WebSphere Commerce, for example:
dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com- Choose or create an organization directly under the Root Organization to be mapped to the Default Organization in WebSphere Commerce. For example:
o=default organization,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com- Restart the Directory Server.
You can customize these names to match your own settings. Refer to the documentation for your version of Microsoft Active Directory for instructions on how to complete these tasks.
- If your member hierarchy has an organizational entity of type "o" (organization) under another organizational entity of type "o", then ensure that the Microsoft Active Directory schema has been configured to support this. Complete the following steps:
- If you have not installed the Windows 2000 Support Tool, install it by inserting the Windows 2000 setup CD, and running the following command: \SUPPORT\TOOLS\setup.exe
- Open a command line and run the following command: mmc /a
- Select File from menu > Add/Remove Snap-in...
- Click Add... > Active Directory Schema > Add > Close and Click OK.
- Expand Active Directory Schema > Classes.
- Right click on organization and select Properties.
- Select the Relationship tab > Add Superior > Organization > OK > OK.
- Exit the Console.
- Next task: After you have completed configuring your directory server, install Member Manager.
Related Concepts
Directory services and WebSphere Commerce
Related tasks
Configure directory services (LDAP) with WebSphere Commerce
Prepare the LDAP server for use with WebSphere Commerce