Set up Member Manager in a clustered environment
The steps on this page describe how to set up Member Manager in a clustered environment.Prerequisite
- WAS ND is installed on a node in your network, following the product installation instructions. This machine will be referred to as DM in the examples on this page.
- WebSphere Member Manager is installed on (at least) 2 nodes on your network, following the instructions in Install Member Manager. These machines will be referred to as WMM01 and WMM02 in the examples on this page.
- For WMM02, the configuration of WebSphere Member Manager should be same as the configuration of WMM01. If you are using LDAP, all nodes should point to the same physical LDAP server with the same settings. If you are using database, all nodes should connect to the same database instance.
To configure Member Manager in a Clustered Environment:
- Add the nodes to the cell:
- On DM01, start the Deployment Manager
cd <WAS_ND_HOME>\bin startManager- Stop server1 on all nodes
cd <WAS_HOME>\bin stopServer server1- On WMM01, add the node to the cell with the following commands
cd <WAS_HOME>\bin addNode <DM_hostname> 8879 -includeapps- On WMM02, add the node to the cell with the following commands
cd <WAS_HOME>\bin addNode <DM_hostname> 8879Do not include the -includeapps parameter for the second node or the rest of the nodes. All applications required for WMM02 were already included by WMM01.
- When the process is done you should get the following message
Node node has been successfully federated.- You can see the new nodes in the ND console by expanding System Administration and clicking Nodes. Check the status of the new node and make sure it is synchronized. If not, select the new node and click Synchronize.
- Create the cluster:
- Open the DM Administration Console: http://dm_hostname:9090/admin
- Expand Servers. Select Clusters. The Create a new Cluster window is displayed on the right side.
- Enter the value for the Cluster name. In this example, we use WMM_Cluster.
- Check the box Prefer local enabled.
- Check the box Create Replication Domain for this cluster.
- Select the option Select an existing server to add to this cluster.
- Choose the server server1 from node WMM01.
- Click Next.
- Create a cluster member on WMM02. Enter the name of the new cluster member and select the node WMM02.
- Check Generate Unique HTTP Ports box.
- check the box Create Replication Entry in this server.
- Click Apply. The cluster member will appear in the Application Servers list in the bottom as shown in the following figure.
- Click Next. The summary window is displayed.
- Click Finish to create the cluster.
- Save the changes to the master configuration.
- Start the cluster:
- In the DM Administrative Console, expand Servers and select Clusters.
- Select the Cluster name. Click Start. (This process may take a while because it will start all applications under this Cluster.)
- Test Member Manager in the cluster. From any machine which has WMM driver loaded:
- Open a command window and navigate to the WMM\bin directory.
- Modify addCURUser.xml. in wmmXMLClient tag
providerURL="corbaloc:iiop:<DM_hostname>:9809" wmmEJBName="cell/clusters/<Name_of_WMM_Cluster>/ejb/memberServiceHome"- Run the following commands
xmlClient addCURUser.xml- (Optional) Try to stop one cluster member and test WMM to see if the cluster environment is working
Related Concepts
Directory services and WebSphere Commerce
Related tasks
Configure directory services (LDAP) with WebSphere Commerce
Install Member Manager on i5/OS
Configure the WebSphere Commerce database when using customized DNs
Configure Member Manager