Configure WebSphere Commerce Developer and Member Manager

The information on this page explains how to configure Member Manager in a WebSphere Commerce Developer installation.

  1. Open the WCDE_installdir/xml/config/wc-server.xml in a text editor.

  2. Update the MemberSubSytem section of the XML file.

    1. Search for the following entry: <MemberSubSystem AuthenticationMode="DB" ProfileDataStorage="DB">

    2. Change this entry to: <MemberSubSystem AuthenticationMode="LDAP" ProfileDataStorage="LDAP">

  3. Update the Directory section of the XML file.

    1. The values listed in the following section represent the defaults as installed by WebSphere Commerce Developer. To update the attributes, find the following section
      Directory EntryFileName="ldap/ldapentry.xml"     LdapAdminDN=""     LdapAdminPW=""     LdapAuthenticationMode="SIMPLE"     LdapHost=""     LdapPort=""     LdapTimeOut="0"     LdapType=""     LdapVersion="3"     MigrateUsersFromWCSdb="ON"     SingleSignOn="0"     display="false" />

    2. Update the entries to match the following values, if they do not match:

      • EntryFileName="ldap/ldapentry.xml"

      • LdapAuthenticationMode="SIMPLE"

      • LdapTimeOut="0"

      • MigrateUsersFromWCSdb="ON"

      • SingleSignOn="0"

      If the other attributes listed in this section do not match the values specified above they can be safely ignored.

  4. Copy the contents of the directory WCDE_installdir/wasprofile/wmm/xml to WCDE_installdir/wasprofile/config/wmm/xml. If this directory does not exist, create it.

  5. Move the wmm_LDAP.xml file found at WCDE_installdir/wasprofile/config/wmm/xml to WCDE_installdir/wasprofile/config/wmm and rename it to wmm.xml.

  6. Complete the steps found in the Configuring Member Manager help file.

  7. Copy the wmm.jar and wmm.ejb.jar from WCDE_installdir/WAS_profile/lib to the following locations:

    • WCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/lib

    • RAD_installdir/runtimes /WAS_code/lib

      If you are prompted to overwrite these files, accept and overwrite them if they already exist.

  8. Migrate your WebSphere Commerce Administrative user to your LDAP server by completing the following steps:

    1. Restart the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit.

    2. Start the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit server .

    3. Access the OrgAdmin Console. Log in as the WebSphere Commerce Administrative user.

    4. Verify that your WebSphere Commerce Administrative user appears on your LDAP server under the root organization.


Related Concepts

Directory services and WebSphere Commerce


Related tasks

Configure directory services (LDAP) with WebSphere Commerce