Fix packs should be installed and tested; doing so will save you time and help avoid problems that result in a service call. Before installing a WebSphere Commerce fix pack, review this information.
Install WebSphere Commerce fix packs
- Fixes, technotes, and PTF information
- Refer to WebSphere Commerce Version 6.0 fix pack master technote for known fix pack issues. The technote provides information on how to sign up for automatic notification of new fix packs and flashes.
- AIX|I5/OS|Linux|Solaris:
You must apply the latest fix as listed on the WC-file-permission page.
- I5/OS:
Ensure the required Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) have been applied to the WebSphere Commerce system.
Refer to PTF Tables by version for WebSphere Commerce technote #1239904.
- The following WAS levels have been tested with these WebSphere Commerce fix packs:
- Fix Pack 4: WAS Versions to
Fix Pack 5:
- Ensure you review the technote Recommended fixes for WebSphere Commerce. This technote contains information about additional WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Application Server fixes that you might require.
- Cache information
- For any existing WebSphere Commerce instances, delete all the old disk cache files prior to installing a fix pack. Complete these steps:
- Stop the application server.
- Delete the contents of the disk offload cache found in one of these directories:
- Default location: WC_profiledir/temp/node/server1/_dynacache
- Offload location: This directory is set in the WAS Administration Console. Click Servers > Application servers > server1 > Container Services > Dynamic Cache Service. The Offload location is listed under Recovery Properties.
- Start the application server.
- Apply the PK13460: Disk Cache Enhancements fix for WAS Versions or lower.
- If you are using WAS Versions to, and have dynamic caching enabled, complete the steps found in technote NotSerializableException thrown when using dynacache with WebSphere Commerce .
- Installation of the fix pack
- To minimize downtime, apply the fix pack at a time that will least impact the operation of your business.
- You should apply the fix pack to your non-production environment first, to ensure that you do not negatively impact your production environment. Refer to Install WebSphere Commerce Developer fix packs.
- Ensure that your WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Developer environments are at the same fix pack level.
- Disable your firewall, or allow access to the WAS administrative server. If you have installed a firewall on your machine, it can interfere with the application of the fix pack.
- If any new components are installed from the WebSphere Commerce base (6.0) CD images, reinstall the fix pack in order to upgrade that component to the current fix pack level. For example, if you have installed the WebSphere Commerce remote management utilities on a separate node from your WebSphere Commerce server, ensure that you also install the fix pack on that machine. If you do not install the fix pack on that machine, you are not able to use the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager client.
- If you are operating a clustered environment, apply the fix pack on the machine where WebSphere Commerce is installed. The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer stops the WebSphere Commerce application of the selected WebSphere Commerce instance.
- Changes introduced by the fix pack
- A fix pack overwrites certain JSP files related to the WebSphere Commerce tools pages. Refer to the text file 600X_tools_jsps_changed.txt for a list of the JSP files that are overwritten. A link to the Tools JSPs changed file is found on each WebSphere Commerce fix pack download page.
- Fix packs always update the database version number. If you have existing WebSphere Commerce instances, check the WC_profiledir/logs/server1/SystemOut.log to ensure that the database version is at the same level as the EAR version. If the versions are not the same, errors can occur during fix pack installation. For example, search for a message similar to
0000000a SystemOut O WC.SERVER: Enterprise 6.0.0.X / Database: ENT 6.0.0.Xwhere X is the level of fix pack installed.
This message indicates the EAR version and Database version are the same version. The levels are retrieved from:
- EAR: WC_profiledir/installedApps/cell/WC_instance.ear/properties/version/COMMERCE.product
- Database: SITE table
- If you have customized your WebSphere Commerce instance, ensure that you have followed the documented deployment procedure in the WebSphere Commerce Information Center, otherwise your customizations are removed when the fix pack is installed. For more information on customized code, refer to Customized code deployment.
Complete the following steps to download the files required for fix pack installation:
- Download and install the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer.
- Download the required WebSphere Commerce fix pack.
- Save the fix pack to directory:
- UPDI_installdir/maintenance
- Windows: Do not save the fix pack to a directory whose name contains spaces. The installation fails if you attempt to apply the fix pack from a directory with spaces in the name.
- Windows: Ensure that the fix pack maintains the proper file extension. The file must be named 6.0.0-WS-WCServer-FP00X.pak where X is the number of the fix pack you will install.
- IBM recommends that no other maintenance files reside in directory: UPDI_installdir/maintenance.
- Before applying the fix pack to your machine, you should backup your WC_profiledir directory. Refer to Backing up and recovering the application serving environment. The database updates included in this fix pack can not be undone. If you want to undo the database update after applying the WebSphere Commerce fix pack, restore your database backup. Refer to your database documentation for information on backing up your database.
- Review the following information concerning WebSphere Commerce instances:
- Existing WebSphere Commerce instances: You must apply the fix pack to the WebSphere Commerce product installation directory first. After the fix pack is applied to the product, then apply it to your WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instances.
- New WebSphere Commerce instances: Each new WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance that you create after you have applied the fix pack to your WebSphere Commerce product installation directory, is created at that specific fix pack level. You are not required to update the WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance to the fix pack level.
Select an appropriate installation method for the WebSphere Commerce fix pack.
Option Description GUI installation
Silent installation