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The Library portlet

Libraries provide community members with document management capabilities to upload, manage, organize, and collaborate on community files.

Requirements and restrictions

Note the following requirements and restrictions when add a library portlet to a community page:

A community page can contain only one Library portlet. When add a library portlet to a community page, one of the following scenarios is true:

Use the Library portlet

Community libraries provide owners and members with the following content management capabilities and enhanced social features:

For details on how to use the library, see the Connections documentation on libraries.

Edit the settings for the Library portlet

We can personalize the portlet to show a particular library if there are more than one in the associated Connections community. If we have at least editor access for the page and for the portlet, choose Edit Shared Settings and choose what library displays by default when users access the portlet. For more information about access levels, see the WebSphere Portal wiki.

Parent topic:
Use the Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal