Mobile configuration properties
Set properties mobile-config.xml to control how users can interact with the Connections mobile app.
General properties
AllowCopyandPaste Allow copying and pasting. Default is true. AllowiTunesSharing iOS only. Allow documents to be shared when we sync the device with iTunes. Default is true. Does not apply to the application log files. DefaultApplication Application displayed when a user logs in. Default is Updates. Other possible values are Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, Profiles, and Wikis. We can also specify an extension application name. ExposeEmailAddress Display email addresses in Profiles. Default is true. ExposeGeoLocation Geographic location of the user in the activity stream. Default is true. InactivityTimeout A timeout value, in minutes, that logs the user out of the client if no activity has taken place for the time period defined in this property. Default is 0 minutes, which means the user is never logged out because of inactivity. RememberPassword Allow users to save their login password on the mobile device. Default is true. Setting to false forces users to enter a password each time the Connections app is started. Updates Where updates are displayed. Setting DisplayInLauncher to false hides updates from the Home page. Setting Updates enabled to false hides updates from the other applications in Connections. For example..
<Updates enabled="true" displayInLauncher="true"> </Updates>
WebClientAccess Allow users to access IBM Connections from their mobile device's microbrowser, instead of using the mobile app. Default is false. When you disable web access, users who attempt to access the website see a message that directs them to download the Connections native app. The URL points to the marketplace appropriate for the user’s device. For a richer user experience, disable web client access.
Activities properties
enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view; however, it is still visible within communities. PublicActivities Allow public activities to be shown. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Blogs properties
enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view; however, it is still visible within communities. PublicBlogs Allow public blogs to be shown. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Bookmarks properties
enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view; however, it is still visible within communities. PublicBookmarks Allow public bookmarks to be shown. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Communities properties
AllowAddMembers Allow people to be added to a community. Default is true. Only community owners can add members. AllowCommunityOwnedFolders Allow folders that are owned by a community to be displayed. Default is true. enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view. PublicCommunities Allow public communities to be shown. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Files properties
enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view; however, it is still visible within communities. PublicFiles Allow public files to be shown. To hide public files, set the value of this property to false. Not supported in BlackBerry. ShareWithPublic Allow files to be shared with everyone. Default is true. Not supported in BlackBerry. AllowDownloads Allow files to be downloaded to a mobile device. Default is true. AllowUploads Allow files to be uploaded from a mobile device. Default is true. AllowExport Allow files to be exported to specific folders on the device. Default is true. This property allows a file to be exported outside of the app's secure container. If this property is disabled, the file cannot be shared with other applications on the mobile device. On iOS, a setting of false would restrict files to being viewed by the built-in viewers. On Android, files would not be downloaded because there is no built-in viewer, meaning that files must be opened outside the app's secure container. Not supported in BlackBerry. AllowExportToDeviceGallery Allow files to be exported to the device gallery on the device. Default is true. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Forums properties
enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view; however, it is still visible within communities. PublicForums Allow public forums to be shown. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Profiles properties
AllowEditProfile By default, users can edit their profiles. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view. enabled Enable the application by default. Upload By default, users can upload Profiles picture.
Search properties
GlobalSearch Enable global searching by default. If disabled, users can still search within individual Connections applications. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Wikis properties
enabled Enable the application by default. displayInLauncher Allow the application to be displayed in the Home page by default. When false, the application is not visible from the navigation view; however, it is still visible within communities. PublicWikis Public Wikis are shown. Not supported in BlackBerry.
Application customization properties
We can specify customized application labels and the AppName in a properties file. Give it a name such as the file, or similar. The file must be stored under the shared_data_directory_root/customization/strings directory.
The following list shows examples of properties that can be specified in the file:
appname.pluraltitle=IBM Connections activities.singulartitle=Activity activities.pluraltitle=Activities blogs.singulartitle=Blog blogs.pluraltitle=Blogs bookmarks.singulartitle=Bookmark bookmarks.pluraltitle=Bookmarks communities.singulartitle=Community communities.pluraltitle=Communities files.singulartitle=File files.pluraltitle=Files forums.singulartitle=Forum forums.pluraltitle=Forums profiles.singulartitle=Profile profiles.pluraltitle=Profiles wikis.singulartitle=Wiki wikis.pluraltitle=WikisThe pluraltitle extension is used in the Home page, where the applications are listed.
For multiple locale support, create a properties file for each locale and store it in the same folder as the English-language properties file. For example, add a file for the french locale.
enabled App customizations are disabled by default. To enable them, set the value to true in the Customizations element. CustomizationLocation Name of the customization properties file. Specify the file name without the .properties extension. For example, enter mobile, not appname.title Represents the customized app name. If this property is not specified, the value of the Appname element in mobile-config.xml is used. However, that value is overridden by the appname.title property if it is specified in the properties file.
The following list shows an example of customized properties:
appname.pluraltitle=IBM Connections activities.singulartitle=Task activities.pluraltitle=Tasks blogs.singulartitle=ContentShare blogs.pluraltitle=ContentShare bookmarks.singulartitle=URL bookmarks.pluraltitle=URLs communities.singulartitle=Teamroom communities.pluraltitle=Teamrooms files.singulartitle=Document files.pluraltitle=Documents forums.singulartitle=GroupShare forums.pluraltitle=GroupShares homepage.singulartitle=Updates homepage.pluraltitle= Updates profiles.singulartitle=Blue Page profiles.pluraltitle=Blue Pages wikis.singulartitle=Wiki wikis.pluraltitle=Wikis
Navigation Groups properties
The order of navigation entries in the Navigation Groups section determines the order in which navigation entries are shown in the navigation drawer in the client. Edit this section to change the sequence of navigation groups in the client or to hide a navigation group. We can also specify whether a navigation group is expanded or collapsed by default, although users can change this setting in the client.
<!-- START NAVIGATION GROUPS SECTION --> <NavigationGroups> <NavigationGroup name ="Favorites"> <Expanded>false</Expanded> <HideNavGroup>false</HideNavGroup> </NavigationGroup> <NavigationGroup name = "Updates"> <Expanded>true</Expanded> </NavigationGroup> <NavigationGroup name = "Applications"> <Expanded>true</Expanded> </NavigationGroup> </NavigationGroups>
File Sync properties
The following text shows an example of properties for configuring File Sync:
<!-- START FILE SYNC SECTION --> <FileSync enabled="true"> <InactiveDevicesPurgeThreshold>30</InactiveDevicesPurgeThreshold> <AutoSync>true</AutoSync> </FileSync> <!-- START FILE DIFF SECTION --> <FileDiff enabled="true"> <StoragePath>${MOBILE_CONTENT_DIR}</StoragePath> <MaximumFileSize>512000</MaximumFileSize> <MinimumFileSize>100</MinimumFileSize> <MaximumDiffPercent>95</MaximumDiffPercent> <MemCacheSize>20</MemCacheSize> <ChecksumCacheSize>100</ChecksumCacheSize> <ChecksumCachePruningInterval>30</ChecksumCachePruningInterval> <DiffCacheSize>200</DiffCacheSize> <DiffCachePruningInterval>10</DiffCachePruningInterval> </FileDiff>
FileSync enabled Enable or disable the File Sync extension by specifying a value of true or false. InactiveDevicesPurgeThreshold Define a period during which a device did not trigger a file synchronization. When the limit is reached, the device is removed from the File Sync registry and the File Sync list on the device is purged. Specify a value in days. AutoSync Define whether File Sync automatically synchronizes files. Specify a value of true or false. Whether a user can designate a file to be synchronized automatically. If the value of this property is false, users must sync files manually. If the value is true, users can decide to specify manual or automatic synchronization. In this case, the default is automatic synchronization. FileDiff enabled Define whether the File Diff function is enabled. File Diff computes the difference between any two versions of a file using the rsync algorithm. Default is true. StoragePath Define the path to the directory where synchronized files are stored. Specify this value by creating a WebSphere variable that points to the directory. For example: MOBILE_CONTENT_DIR. Ensure that this directory is a child of the Files content store directory. MaximumFileSize Define the maximum size of files that are updated differentially. Files that are bigger than this value are downloaded in full instead of being updated differentially. Specify a value in KB. MinimumFileSize Define the minimum size of files that are updated differentially. Files that are smaller than this value are downloaded in full instead of being updated differentially. Specify a value in KB. MaximumDiffPercent Define the size of the differential that determines whether a file is updated differentially or downloaded in its entirety. For example, if we specify a value of 95% and a file changes by more than 95%, the entire file is downloaded. If the file changes by less than 95%, only the differential is downloaded. Specify an integer value. ChecksumCacheSize Define the amount of disk space that is reserved for storing the checksum cache. Checksums are used by the File Diff function. Specify a value in MB. ChecksumCachePruningInterval Define the interval in days after which the checksum cache is purged. Specify an integer value. DiffCacheSize Define the size of the cache used for storing the file differentials that are computed by the File Diff algorithm. Specify a value in MB. DiffCachePruningInterval Define the interval in days after which the File Diff cache is purged. Specify an integer value.
Push Notifications properties
The following text shows an example of properties for configuring Push Notifications:
<!-- START PUSH NOTIFICATIONS SECTION --> <Push enabled="false"> <!-- RetryAttempts: Max number of attempts for GCM/APNS to deliver a message. --> <RetryAttempts>3</RetryAttempts> <!-- RetryInterval: Initial retry interval in mins for Exponential Backoff --> <RetryInterval>5</RetryInterval> <!-- ExponentialBackOffLimit: Maximum limit in mins for Exponential Backoff after which retries only happen at the limit interval--> <ExponentialBackOffLimit>60</ExponentialBackOffLimit> <!-- PushNotificationReapInterval: Delete Notification from the persistent store beyond the reap interval in days.--> <PushNotificationReapInterval>3</PushNotificationReapInterval> <!-- Android Specific Push Config --> <GCM> <!-- Number of persistent connections to the GCM service --> <MaxPooledConnections>10</MaxPooledConnections> <!-- The interval in seconds before pending messages are flushed --> <MessageFlushInterval>15</MessageFlushInterval> <!-- API Key needed by the server to send the Push Message to GCM --> <GCMAPIKey></GCMAPIKey> <!-- Sender Id needed by the Client to register itself with GCM --> <GCMSenderId></GCMSenderId> </GCM> <!-- iOS Specific Push Config --> <APNS> <!-- Number of persistent connections to the APNS gateway --> <MaxPooledConnections>10</MaxPooledConnections> <!-- FeedbackServicesInterval - Interval in hours to retrieve the list of devices that reported failed-delivery --> <FeedBackServicesInterval>24</FeedBackServicesInterval> <!-- Play Sound on Message Arrival on the Device --> <SoundAlert>true</SoundAlert> </APNS> </Push>
Push enabled Enable or disable the Push Notifications service by specifying a value of true or false. RetryAttempts Define the maximum number of times the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) or Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) tries to deliver a message. RetryInterval Define the initial retry interval for Exponential Backoff. For example, if this property is set to 10, the server tries every 10 minutes to deliver a push notification until it succeeds. Specify a value in minutes. Default is 5. ExponentialBackOffLimit Define the limit in minutes for Exponential Backoff after which requests to the server are attempted at the intervals defined by this property. For example, if this property is set to 30, the server tries every 30 minutes to deliver a push notification until it succeeds. Specify a value in minutes. Default is 60. PushNotificationReapInterval Define the number of days after which an existing push notification is removed from the database. Specify a value in days. Default is 3. APNS Define extra Push Notifications properties for iOS devices. MaxPooledConnections Define the number of persistent connections to the APNS gateway. Specify an integer value Default is 10.
FeedBackServicesInterval Define how often the server retrieves a list of devices that reported a failure to deliver a notification. Specify a value in hours. SoundAlert Define whether a sound is played when a notification is received by the device. Specify a value of true or false. GCM Define extra Push Notification properties used for Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) on Android devices. MaxPooledConnections Define the number of persistent connections to the GCM service. Specify an integer value. Default is 10. MessageFlushInterval Define the interval after which pending messages are flushed. Specify a value in seconds. GCMAPIKey Define the API Key used by the server to send a Push Notification to GCM. If no value is entered, the server uses a default account. GCMSenderId Define the sender ID used by the mobile device to register itself with GCM. If no value is entered, the server uses a default account.
Security management properties
MobileAdmin Mobile security administration is disabled by default. To enable it, set the value of the MobileAdmin property to true. ServiceLocation Location of the security management service for Mobile. By default, the ServiceLocation property is null. A null value indicates the security management service is collocated with the Connections server. Change the value of this property only if the security management service is deployed on a domain different from IBM Connections. For example, if IBM Connections is hosted at and the security management service is hosted at, change the value of the ServiceLocation property to If we specify a domain for the security management service in this property, enable single sign-on between this domain and the Connections domain.
Security properties
Not supported in BlackBerry.
AuthType Authentication type. Allowed values are SiteMinder, Form, Basic, and SPNEGO. There is no default value. enabled The security settings are disabled by default. To enable them, set the value to true. InfoPageNegativePathPattern Contains a regular expression that can be used to match the URL of a negative response page. The detection of the negative page indicates the user did not accept the information page. When this URL pattern is matched, the user cannot open the app. InfoPagePathPattern Contains a regular expression that can be used to match the URL of the information page. The information page usually states the terms of using the website. Users must agree to the terms before they can proceed. When this URL pattern is matched, the user can open the app. InfoPagePositivePathPattern Contains a regular expression that can be used to match the URL of a positive response page. The detection of the positive page indicates the user accepted the information page. LoginFormName Define the login form name in the custom authentication form. LoginUrlContext Define the login URL context for the custom authentication form. LoginErrorUrlContext Define the error URL login context. PasswordFieldName Define the password field name in the custom authentication form. RejectUntrustedCertificates When set to true, the app rejects any untrusted certificates presented to it and denies app access. Default is false. UseridFieldName Define the user field name in the custom authentication form. TermsOfUsageURL Address of a webpage containing a Terms of Usage statement for the Connections mobile app. The Connections app displays the webpage during login and provides OK and Cancel links. The user must confirm acceptance of the terms by tapping OK before the login continues. If the user taps Cancel, the login process is stopped and the app closes. This setting provides a simple way for administrators to show a single Terms of Usage page the user either accepts or rejects. If the Connections deployment requires a more sophisticated process, such as recording the user accepted the agreement, use the InfoPagePathPattern setting. The webpage specified by this property is displayed before the user logs in. Therefore, do not specify a secure (https) page.
Extensibility properties
Use these properties to add new applications to the Home page.
name Specifies a unique name for the application. enabled Shows or hides the application in the Home page by specifying true or false. Default is true. ApplicationIcon Icon images for each operating system, and density. Images must be stored under the shared_data_directory_root/customization/mobile/images directory. If this directory structure does not already exist, create it. Copy the icons to the directory that is appropriate for each mobile operating system:
- android/hdpi
- android/ldpi
- android/mdpi
- android/xhdpi
- android/xxhdpi
- android/xxxhdpi
- bb/hdpi
- bb/ldpi
- bb/mdpi
- ios/reg
- ios/retina
HPDI, MPDI, and LPDI correspond to high, medium, and low densities on Android. XHDPI, XXHDPI, and XXXHDPI describe extra-high density resolutions. HighDensity, MedDensity, and LowDensity correspond to the screen densities on BlackBerry. Reg and Retina are the screen densities on iOS.
(iOS only) We can find the default icons for Regular and Retina at...
Use the following standard image sizes for iOS icons:
- Reg: 24 pixels x 24 pixels 72 pixels per inch
- Retina: 48 pixels x 48 pixels 72 pixels per inch
DefaultLocation Location of an image for the web client. This location is typically the shared_data_directory_root/customization/mobile/images directory. This image is used if you do not specify an image for any of the density fields. ApplicationLabel Specifies a label for the new application. The label is displayed on the Home page. ApplicationURL Web address of the application or the native app URI for the application. IBM Connections uses this URL to start the new application. Users might be prompted to enter their credentials again because single sign-on between the Connections mobile app and other mobile apps, such as IBM Sametime , is not supported.
The following excerpt from a sample mobile-config.xml file demonstrates how to specify a new application:
<Applications> <Application name="ApplicationName" enabled="true"> <ApplicationIcon> <Android> <Hdpi>/images/ibmhdpi.jpg</Hdpi> <Mdpi>/images/ibmmdpi.jpg</Mdpi> <Ldpi>/images/ibmldpi.jpg</Ldpi> </Android> <IOS> <Reg>reg</Reg> <Retina>retina</Retina> </IOS> <BB> <HighDensity></HighDensity> <MedDensity></MedDensity> <LowDensity></LowDensity> </BB> <DefaultLocation>/images/ibm50.jpg</DefaultLocation> </ApplicationIcon> <ApplicationLabel>IBM</ApplicationLabel> <ApplicationURL></ApplicationURL></> </Application> </Applications>
Change Mobile configuration property values
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