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Change Mobile configuration property values

Modify the configuration properties in mobile-config.xml to control how users can interact with the Connections Mobile native app.

We must use the IBM WebSphere Application Server wsadmin client to check out mobile-config.xml. For information about how to start wsadmin-line tool, see the Start the wsadmin client topic.

To edit Mobile configuration properties:

  1. Start the wsadmin client.

  2. Start the Files Jython script interpreter:

    1. Access the Mobile configuration file: execfile("mobileAdmin.py")

      If we are asked to select a server, select any server.

    2. Check out mobile-config.xml by :

      MobileConfigService.checkOutConfig("/tmp", "cell_name")


      • /tmp is the temporary working directory to which the XML and XSD configuration files are copied.

      • cell_name is the name of the WAS cell hosting the Connections application. Required. To determine:

        print AdminControl.getCell()

      For example:

      MobileConfigService.checkOutConfig("/tmp", "CommServerNode01Cell")

  3. Create a backup copy of the file.

  4. Edit the file in a text editor.

  5. Save the changes and check the file in.

  6. Synchronize the nodes in the deployment.

  7. Restart the application server hosting the Mobile application.

What to do next

Check the configuration files back in after making changes, and they must be checked in during the same wsadmin session in which they were checked out.

Parent topic:
Mobile configuration properties


Start the wsadmin client