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Start the wsadmin client

Use the wsadmin client to make configuration changes to applications.

We run wsadmin.sh in the local directory because the Jython files for the product are stored there. If we start the client from a different directory execfile() command does not work correctly.

admin_user_id is the user name of the WAS Administrator role. This administrator must be configured at the cell level at the clustereserver level.

SOAP_PORT is the SOAP port for the WAS deployment manager server. The default value of the SOAP port is 8879. For the default port value do not have to specify this parameter. If we are not using the default value and you do not know the port number can look up its value in the WAS console:


Parent topic:
Administration tools

Administer the Home page using wsadmin.sh
Apply common configuration property changes
Use the Profiles database as the user directory
IBM Connections configuration files
Activities configuration properties