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Modify the installation in console mode


Use console mode, modify the deployment of Connections by adding or removing applications.

To modify the installation

  1. On each node, stop any running instances of WAS and WebSphere node agents.

  2. Start WAS dmgr.

  3. Start Installation Manager in console mode:

      cd IM_root/eclipse/tools
      ./imcl -c

  4. Type 3 to begin modifying the deployment.

  5. In the Select packages to modify step, select IBM Connections, and then type N to proceed.

  6. Select the applications to add or remove and then type N.

    • Add applications: Type the numbers corresponding to applications that are not already installed and to add to the deployment.

    • Remove applications: Type the numbers corresponding to installed applications to remove from the deployment.

      The Home page, News, and Search applications are required and can't be removed.

      All installed applications are selected by default.

  7. Enter the administrative ID and password of the dmgr.

    This ID is set to the connectionsAdmin J2C authentication alias, which is mapped to the following Java EE roles: dsx-admin, widget-admin, and search-admin. It is also used by the service integration bus. To use security management software such as Tivoli Access Manager or SiteMinder, the ID specified here must exist in the LDAP directory. See Switch to unique administrator IDs for system level communication.

  8. Configure the topology. For more information about each option, refer to Deployment options.

    If we chose to use existing deployment of FileNet for Connections Content Manager, the application Connections Content Manager will not show in this topology panel.

    • Small deployment:

      1. Type 1 to select the Small deployment topology.

      2. Enter a Cluster name for the topology.

      3. Select a Node.

      4. Enter a Server member name for the node.

      5. Type N to proceed.

    • Medium deployment:

      1. Type 2 to select the Medium deployment topology.

      2. Select the default value or enter a Cluster name for each application or for groups of applications. For example, use Cluster1 for Activities, Communities, and Forums.

        Installation Manager creates servers and clusters when required.

      3. Select a Node for each cluster. Accept the predefined node or select a different node.

        These nodes host application server instances that serve Connections applications. We can assign multiple nodes to a cluster, where each node is a server member of that cluster.

      4. Enter a Server member name for the selected node.

        The name must be unique across all nodes in the deployment.

      5. The topology specified is displayed.

        To re-specify any details, type the number that corresponds to the application; for example, type 1 for Activities.

      6. Type N to proceed.

    • Large deployment:

      1. Type 3 to select the Large deployment topology.

      2. Enter a Cluster name for each application.

        Installation Manager creates servers and clusters when required.

      3. Select a Node for each cluster. Accept the predefined node or select a different node.

        These nodes host application server instances that serve Connections applications. We can assign multiple nodes to a cluster, where each node is a server member of that cluster.

      4. Enter a Server member name for the selected node.

        The name must be unique across all nodes in the deployment.

      5. The topology specified is displayed.

        To re-specify any details, type the number that corresponds to the application; for example, type 1 for Activities.

      6. Type N to proceed.

  9. Database information for Global Configuration Data and Object Store must be set correctly, otherwise installation will fail. Enter the database information:

    1. Specify whether the installed applications use the same database server or instance: Type 1 to specify the applications use same database server or instance; type 2 to specify they use different database servers or instances.

      If allowed by the database configuration, we can select multiple database instances as well as different database servers.

    2. Select a Database type from one of the following options: If installing on Windows, Linux, or AIX:

      • IBM DB2 Universal Databaseā„¢

      • Oracle Enterprise Edition

      • Microsoft SQL ServerĀ Enterprise Edition

    3. Enter the Database server host name. For example: appserver.enterprise.myco.com

      If the installed applications use different database servers, enter the database host name for each application.

    4. Enter the Port number of the database server. The default values are: 50000 for DB2(r) , 1521 for Oracle, and 1433 for SQL Server.

      If wer installed applications use different database servers or instances, enter the port number for each database server or instance.

    5. Enter the JDBC driver location. For example:

      • AIX:


      • Linux:


      • Windows:


    6. Ensure the following JDBC driver libraries are present in the JDBC directory:


      db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar

      Ensure the user account has the necessary permissions to access the DB2 JDBC files.



      SQL Server

      Download the SQL Server JDBC 2 driver from the Microsoft website to a local directory, and enter that directory name in the JDBC driver library field.

      The directory must not contain the sqljdbc.jar file, only the sqljdbc4.jar file. Even though the data source is configured to use the sqljdbc4.jar file, an exception occurs if both files are present in the same directory.


      If we select Metrics, make sure you also have the following JDBC driver: db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar.

    7. Enter the User ID and Password for each database. If each database uses the same user credentials, confirm the Use the same password for all applications question and then enter the user ID and password for the first database in the list.

      If the database type is Oracle, we must connect to the database with the user ID used when we created the application database.

    8. If make changes, type the number that corresponds to the application to change. Alternatively, type R to reset all the database specifications to their default values.

    9. Press Enter to verify the database settings. If the validation fails, check the database settings. When the validation succeeds, click Next.

      Installation Manager tests the database connection with the database values that you supplied. We can change the database configuration later in the WAS console.

      Usually we can continue even if the validation failed because we can change the database settings from WAS console afterwards. However, we cannot continue if you have entered incorrect information for the Connections Content Manager database, because there are database operations during installation. Incorrect database information will cause installation to fail. So use correct information for Connections Content Manager database.

  10. Review the information you have entered. To revise your selections, press B. To finish modifying, press M.

  11. Review the result of the installation. Press F to exit the installation wizard.

  12. Restart the dmgr:

    • AIX(r) or Linux(tm): cd app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr01/bin directory. Enter the ./stopManager.sh command and then enter the ./startManager.sh command.

    • Windows(tm): Stop and restart the dmgr service.

  13. Start all the federated nodes and enter the startNode command. Repeat these steps for each node:

    1. Log in to a node.

    2. From a command line, change to the profile_root/bin directory.

    3. Enter the startNode command for your operating system:

      • AIX or Linux: ./startNode.sh

      • Windows: startNode.bat

  14. Log in to the WAS console on the dmgr to perform a full synchronization of all nodes.

    1. Go to System administration > Nodes.

    2. Select the nodes and click Full Resynchronize.

    Wait until the dmgr copies all the application EAR files to the installedApps directory on each of the nodes. This process can take up to 30 minutes.

    To verify the dmgr has distributed the application EAR files to the nodes, check SystemOut.log of each node agent. The default path to SystemOut.log on a node is profile_root/logs/nodeagent.

    Look for a message such as the following example: ADMA7021I: Distribution of application application_name completed successfully. where application_name is the name of a Connections application.

  15. Start all the Connections clusters:

    1. Log in to the WAS console on the dmgr

    2. Go to Servers > Clusters > WebSphere Application server clusters.

    3. Select the Connections clusters and click Start.

    • If we installed a cluster with multiple Search nodes, create the initial index. For more information about creating the Search index, see the Create the initial Search index topic.

      1. If we are installing a non-English language deployment, enable Search dictionaries. See Enabling Search dictionaries topic.

      2. The index is ready when the INDEX.READY and CRAWLING_VERSION files are present in the index directory.

    • If some applications do not start, the file-copying process might not have completed. Wait a few minutes and start the applications.

    In case the Connections applications are installed on different clusters, the cluster start order should be :

    • News cluster
    • Profiles cluster
    • Search cluster
    • Dogear cluster
    • Communities cluster
    • Activities cluster
    • Blogs cluster
    • Files cluster
    • Forums cluster
    • Wikis cluster

    • Hompage cluster
    • Metrics cluster
    • Mobile cluster

    • Moderation cluster

    • Connections Content Manager cluster

Parent topic:
Install Connections


Switch to unique administrator IDs for system level communication

Create the initial Search index