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Manually map Profile DB fields to LDAP fields


To populate the Profiles database with data from LDAP, map the content of the fields in the database to the fields in the LDAP directory.

To map fields between the Profiles database, and the LDAP directory, edit...

To see mapping options, check profiles_functions.js. We can add our own functions if necessary.

Running the Profiles population wizard in interactive mode generates two property files...

Map fields

  1. Install LDAP viewer software, such as Apache Directory Studio, on your client PC.

  2. Create the TDI Solutions directory. On the system hosting TDI...

      mkdir TDI_HOME/TDISOL
      tar xvf tdisol.tar

    This creates a subdirectory ./TDI.

  3. Copy the directory to...


    Rename the directory to TDI. This directory becomes the TSI solution directory.

  4. Edit...


    ...and set...

      export TDIPATH=/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1

  5. Edit...

    ...and set...

      1:1 mapping If a field in the Profiles database matches a field in the LDAP, set DB field equal to LDAP property. For example:

      Complex mapping Split content into multiple fields in the Profiles database. Define the function in profiles_functions.js, and wrap the name of the JavaScript function in braces {}. Begin function names with func_. For example:


    Values omitted or set to null are not populated in the database.

    The uid, guid, dn, surname, and displayName attributes are always required.

  6. Edit...


    ...and set extension attributes, specifying the property's name and mapping from the source....

    Parameter Description
    extensionId ID of the extension attribute. Required.
    sourceKey Name of the attribute from the source. Required.

    For example, to add attribute spokenLangs...

      <simpleAttribute extensionId="spokenLangs" sourceKey="spokenLang"/>

    The formatting between tdi-profiles-config.xml and profiles-config.xmls is compatible, so we can copy and paste configuration information between the files. For the extension to be displayed in the user interface, make modifications in profiles-config.xml.

    We can leverage the custom attribute in the Profiles user interface or REST API

  7. Save the changes to tdi-profiles-config.xml.

  8. Write a JavaScript function that combines different attributes from the LDAP directory to map a customized extension attribute for the Profiles database:

    1. Add the extension attribute function definition in the map_dbrepos_from_source.properties file, using the following format:


      The extensionAttribute name must match the specified extensionId in the tdi-profiles-config.xml extension attribute definition.

    2. Add a new func_map_to_db_extensionAttribute JavaScript function in...


      Write logic for the function that specifies the new extension attribute mapping.

    3. Repeat these steps for each JavaScript function.

What to do next

The properties in map_dbrepos_from_source.properties have the default values defined in the following table. Many of them are null. You must determine which LDAP properties to map to the database fields and edit this file to specify values that apply to your configuration. Any values that you omit or set to null are not populated in the database.

See Attribute mapping for Profiles for a table of additional attribute mapping field values.

TDI property LDAP attribute mapping Notes
alternateLastname null
bldgId null
blogUrl null
calendarUrl null
countryCode c
courtesyTitle null
deptNumber null
description null
displayName cn Required.
distinguishedName $dn Required. Default is TDI distinguishedName mapped to the $dn function, This executes a DN lookup based on the directory type.
employeeNumber employeenumber
employeeTypeCode employeetype
experience null
faxNumber facsimiletelephonenumber
floor null
freeBusyUrl null
givenName givenName
givenNames gn
groupwareEmail null
guid See below Required
ipTelephoneNumber null
isManager null
jobResp null
loginId See below
logins null
managerUid $manager_uid Represent UID lookup of the manager using the Distinguished Name in the manager field.
mobileNumber mobile
nativeFirstName null
nativeLastName null
officeName physicaldeliveryofficename
orgId ou
pagerId null
pagerNumber null
pagerServiceProvider null
pagerType null
preferredFirstName null
preferredLanguage preferredlanguage
preferredLastName null
prof_type customer
See the Profile-types topic
secretaryUid null
shift null
surname sn The Search application expects to find this in the Profiles database. Required.
surnames sn
telephoneNumber telephonenumber
timezone null
title null
uid See below Required.
workLocationCode postallocation

Map guid, uid, and loginId

The guid property identifies the global unique ID of a user. This property's value is created by the LDAP directory, and is unique, complex, and never changes. It is essential in that it maps each user's IBM Connections data to their User ID when using the Profiles database as the user repository. The mapping of the guid property must be handled differently depending on the type of LDAP directory that we are using:

If we edited either...

...to use a custom global unique ID, specify that custom ID here. If we specify an attribute here other than the default, edit the federated directory configuration to match the guid used here. See also...

If the custom ID is different for users and groups, see Configure the custom ID attribute for users or groups.

The uid property defines the unique ID of a user. This property differs from a guid in that it is the organization-specific permanent identifier for a user – often a login ID or some value based on the user's employee code. The uid is a critical field in the Profiles database. By default, this property links a given person's user record back to LDAP data.

Value mapped to uid must..

With Active Directory, the available UID field is not not guaranteed to be present for all entries. For mapping, use sAMAccountName as it general does exists for all entries. Other values are acceptable also, as long as they meet requirements.

See Tivoli Directory Integrator product documentation.

Add profile types.

Connections supports the ability to classify a profile using a
profile type, which allows the application to provide the set of properties for a given profile object.

Parent topic:
Populate peopledb with LDAP info

Example complex mapping of Profiles data
Choose login values
Customize Profiles
Create a simple profile data model and template customization
Synchronize Profiles and LDAP
Configure the custom ID attribute for users or groups
Specifying a custom ID attribute for users or groups
Update Profiles when changing LDAP directory
Batch files for processing Profiles data
Extension properties in the data model
Customize the Profiles data model