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Profiles population wizard in silent mode


If run in silent mode, the wizard creates...

...updating the file with data from mappings.properties.

If used in interactive mode, the wizard creates...

We can modify the mappings files manually.

Run the Profiles population wizard in silent mode

  1. AIX only:

    The AIX default tar program does not handle path lengths longer than 100 characters. Use the GNU file archiving program, distributed through the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications at the IBM AIX Toolbox web site. Download and install the GNU-compatible TAR package. The RPM Package Manager is already installed as part of AIX. After installing, to extract files:

      gtar -xvf Lotus_Connections_wizard_aix.tar

  2. Log in to the database server as the root user or system administrator.

  3. Grant display authority to all users:

      xhost +

    We can change the command to grant display authority to a specific user or users.

  4. Echo the value of DISPLAY under the root user

      echo $DISPLAY

  5. Ensure the Profiles population wizard has created...

  6. Launch the wizard in silent mode:

      cd TDIPopulation 
      ./populationWizard.sh -silent /path/to/tdisettings.properties 
                            -mappingFile /path/to/mappings.properties
                            -dbPassword db_password
                            -ldapPassword ldap_password
                            -sslPassword ssl_password


    • dbPassword is the password for the Profiles database
    • ldapPassword is the password for bind user in the LDAP directory
    • sslPassword is the password for the SSL key store

    If a mapping file is not specified, the default mapping file for the LDAP directory type is used. These mapping files are located...


    ...where we can edit the file for the LDAP directory type.

    Mappings files for applicable LDAP directory types...

    Directory type Mapping file
    Lotus Domino defaultMapping_domino.properties
    IBM Tivoli Directory Server defaultMapping_tivoli.properties
    Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode defaultMapping_adam.properties
    Windows Server 2003 Active Directory defaultMapping_ad.properties
    Novell Directory Services defaultMapping_nds.properties
    Sun ONE defaultMapping_sun.properties

    Parameters for running the population wizard in silent mode...

    Parameter Value Description
    responseFile /path/to/tdisettings.properties Required. Default...

    mappingFile /path/to/mappings.properties If not specified, default is used...

    dbPassword Database password Overwrite the database password in the response file.
    ldapPassword LDAP password Overwrite the LDAP password in the response file.
    sslPassword SSL key store password Overwrite the SSL key store password in the response file.


After the wizard has finished, check the log file in the <user home>/lcwizard/log/tdi/ directory for messages. The log file name uses the time as a suffix. For example:

Parent topic:
Populate peopledb with LDAP info

The tdisettings.properties file
Populate the Profiles database