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Hide email addresses

Configure IBM Connections to prevent email addresses from being displayed in the product to protect the privacy of the users.

Test notifications to ensure the mail servers are set up correctly. Edit notification-config.xml to define a valid email address for the global administrator and alternative addresses for the different types of notifications sent by each application. See Defining valid administrator email address.

Attention: Do not configure IBM Connections to hide email addresses if we are using any of the Connections extensions. Extensions such as the Connections Plug-in for Notes or IBM Connections Plug-in for Sametime , require addresses to be exposed because they rely on email addresses to identify users. See Extending section of the product documentation for a list of available IBM Connections extensions.

When you prevent emails from displaying, email addresses are hidden in the following places:

Note to programmers: If we configure IBM Connections to keep email addresses private, we cannot use the email parameter to represent a person in GET requests for Atom feeds. Instead, use the userid parameter.

To hide email addresses:

  1. Open a command prompt and then change to the following directory on the WAS that hosts IBM Connections:

    • AIX or Linux:/opt/IBM/Connections/ConfigEngine

    • IBM i: /QIBM/ProdData/IBM/Connections/ConfigEngine

    • Windows:C:\IBM\Connections\ConfigEngine

  2. Run the script that configures IBM Connections to hide email addresses:

    • AIX or Linux: ./ConfigEngine.sh action-hide-email > /tmp/hide_email.log 2>&1

    • IBM i: ConfigEngine.sh action-hide-email > /tmp/hide_email.log 2>&1

    • Windows: ConfigEngine.bat action-hide-email > D:/hide_email.log 2>&1

    For example, on the Windows operating system:ConfigEngine.bat action-hide-email > D:/hide_email.log 2>&1

  3. Remove email address references from user profiles. See Configure advanced search.

  4. Restart the server.

Parent topic:
Customize the deployment




Define valid administrator email addresses