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Defining valid administrator email addresses

Edit configuration property settings to change the default email addresses from which system notifications, such as a request to join a community, are sent. Notifications are sent from generic administrator email addresses if you do not take action. Default email addresses are initially set during installation, so use this procedure only to change them.

By default, automatic notifications are sent from a generic email address, such as blogs-admin@myco.com. Edit the property to change this to a legitimate administrator email address that has access rights to send mail. Some of the notification messages sent automatically, such as the notifications used to handle blog postings that are flagged for containing inappropriate content, inform recipients they can respond to the default administrative user email address from which the notification was sent. If we do not edit the default email address, recipients get a delivery failure notification when they try to respond to the automatic email.

We can edit the following administrator email addresses:

To change default email addresses from what you assigned in install:

  1. Access the Connections configuration files:

    • cd app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr01/bin
      wsadmin.sh -lang jython

    If we are prompted to specify a service to connect to, type 1 to select the first node in the list. Most commands can run on any node. If the command writes or reads information to or from a file by using a local file path, we must select the node where the file is stored. This information is not used by the wsadmin client when we are making configuration changes.

  2. Check out notification-config.xml by :


    where temp_dir is a temporary directory, and cell_name is the WAS cell to which you installed Activities. When we specify a path to the working directory on a system running Windows, use a forward slash for the directory. For example: "/tmp".

    AIX , and Linux: The directory we specify as the temporary directory must grant write permissions.

  3. From the temporary directory to which you checked out notification-config.xml, open it in a text editor.

  4. Specify a valid internet-style email address containing no spaces for the global sender by editing the globalSenderEmailAddress property in the following section of notification-config.xml:
      <property name="globalSenderName">IBM Connections Administrator</property>
      <property name="globalSenderEmailAddress">global-admin@myco.com</property> 

  5. To force the email address specified in the globalSenderEmailAddress to be used as the sender of all notifications, add the following property to the <properties> element previously listed, and set it equal to true.

      <property name="alwaysUseGlobalSender">true</property>

  6. By default, the email address of the original sender is set as the reply-to address. If we do not want the original sender to appear as the reply-to address, then add the following property to the <properties> element previously listed, and set it equal to false.

      <property name="includeOriginalSenderAsReplyTo">false</property>

    If the alwaysUseGlobalSender property is set to false, then the includeOriginalSenderAsReplyTo property is ignored. If the alwaysUseGlobalSender property is set to true, then the includeOriginalSenderAsReplyTo is optional. The default value for this property is true if the property is added, but no value is defined for it.

  7. To specify different administrator email addresses for different notifications types per application, search for the notification types to change, and then change the value of the sender properties. If there is no sender property, add one.

    If a type element is present, the email address specified for it is used instead of the global administrator address. The global sender address to be used instead of the address specified here, comment out the associated type element. For example, to change the address from which notifications that inform people they have been added to an activity are sent, edit the value of the sender property in the following notification type:


    For example:
    <type name="add-member">
      <channel name="email" enabled="true">
        <property name="senderName">Activities Admin</property>
        <property name="sender">activities-admin@myco.com</property>
        <property name="ftl">addMemberMail.ftl</property>

    No notifications are sent from the Home page application.

  8. Save and close notification-config.xml.

  9. Check in the configuration files:


Parent topic:
Configure notifications


Close the widget palette. post-installation tasks


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Specify an administrator email address for Blogs notifications

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