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Bus destinations

Service integration has the following types of bus destinations each with a different purpose:

Create and administer the following types of service integration bus destination:

Bus destinations can be either permanent or temporary. When an administrator configures a service integration destination, that destination is a permanent destination that exists until an administrator explicitly deletes it. In contrast, a temporary destination exists only while an application is using it. Typically, this situation occurs when the application uses a JMS temporary destination. Service integration creates a corresponding temporary service integration bus destination.

We can configure queue, topic space, and alias destinations with one or more mediations, which are programs that process each message after the producing application sends the message to the destination, and before any consuming applications receive the message from the destination. For example, a mediation can modify the actual message, or redirect the message to another destination or sequence of destinations, or both.

We can configure queue, topic space, and alias destinations with routing paths:



  • Administer service integration buses
  • Destination security
  • Topic security
  • Mediations
  • Point-to-point messaging across multiple buses