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Topic security

Client applications publish and subscribe to a topic. When messaging security is enabled, client applications require authority to access a topic.

Topics are contained within a topic space, which is a type of destination. Within the topic space, topics are organized into one or more topic hierarchies, based on the topic names. The topic hierarchies are joined to a virtual root created when the topic space is created. A topic is created within the topic space when a client application publishes to the topic.

When a connection accesses a topic, an access check is performed to ensure that the user associated with the connection has permission to access the topic space destination containing the topic. A second check is performed to ensure that the user also has access to the topic itself, within the topic hierarchy owned by the topic space destination. This allows for finer-grained control of access to topics, as shown in the diagram later in this section. The diagram shows a topic space called tspace1 containing two topic hierarchies, called sports, and cars.

Figure 1. Example of a topic space with topic-level authorization

A connection must have authority to access the topic space destination, regardless of any access it has been granted within the topic hierarchy owned by that topic space destination.

Each bus can contain more than one topic space. Each topic space is independent of other topic spaces on the bus. Topics in separate topic spaces are not related, even if they have the same name. Consider, for example, a bus containing two topic spaces called tspace1 and tspace2, and each topic space contains a topic called cars. If a client application subscribes to cars in tspace1, it can only receive messages published to the cars topic in tspace1.

Role-based authorization and topic inheritance

Topic security is based on role-based authorization. For further information, see Role-based authorization. To make it easier to administer security authorization for a large number of topics, the access role defined for a topic contains the access authority for the topic itself and, by default, for any topic beneath it within the topic hierarchy. A topic therefore inherits roles from the parent topic. An access role defined on the virtual root therefore contains, by default, access authority for every topic in the topic space. In the example given above, the sender and receiver roles have been defined on the virtual root of topic space tspace1.

We can define new roles for a topic, and we can disable topic role inheritance for any topic in the topic hierarchy. New roles are added to any roles that the topic inherits from its parent topic. The figure above contains the following examples of how topic role inheritance works:

We can define access roles for a topic before the topic is created at runtime. Note that the topic can inherit roles from its parent unless you explicitly disable topic inheritance.

Subscription authorization

When a client application creates a subscription for a selected topic, the messaging engine checks that the client has authority in the receiver role to receive messages published to the selected topic. A subscription can be for a single topic, or using wild cards in the topic specification, for multiple topics. In either case, when a message arrives for the subscription, the messaging engine checks that the client application has authority in the receiver role for the selected topic. When a client application creates a subscription for a single topic, the messaging engine checks that the client has authority in the creator role to create a subscription.

A non-durable subscription exists for the duration of the subscriber session. This means that the subscription ceases to exist when the subscriber session ends. A durable subscription continues to exist after the subscriber session ends. This means that the subscription continues to collect messages on the topic or topics when the subscriber is not connected to the bus. The subscriber can restart the subscription, and collect the messages. Only the client application that created the durable subscription can restart it. This allows the messaging engine to check for access authority for messages that are collected on the topic when the subscription is inactive.


  • Bus destinations
  • Role-based authorization
  • Publish/subscribe messaging and topic spaces
  • Administer destination roles
  • Secure service integration
  • Administer topic space root roles
  • Administer topic roles
  • Create a topic space for publish/subscribe messaging
  • Access role assignments for bus security resources
  • Define topic role inheritance
  • Determining topic role inheritance