Generic server cluster route action settings
We can configure a generic server cluster route action for a proxy server. Add a generic server cluster route action to define routes for inbound requests to specific generic server clusters.
From the admin console, click...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server > Proxy actions > action_name.
Action name
User-defined symbolic name for a generic server cluster route action.
A generic server cluster route action name must be unique and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.
Generic server cluster name
The generic server cluster name provided when the generic server cluster was created. This is a user-defined field. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.
The name specified must be unique among generic server clusters and cannot begin with a period or a space. A space does not generate an error, but leading and trailing spaces are automatically deleted.
Active affinity
Specifies whether the proxy server manages the application affinity to the target generic server. Active affinity is used when a generic server application cannot manage active affinity.
A cookie is used to maintain affinity and ensure that a request is returned to the correct server within the configured time. The Default expiration field specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the active affinity set by the proxy server is valid. The cookie is automatically set to expire 24 hours after the affinity is no longer valid.
Passive affinity
Specifies whether the proxy server maintains application affinity based on a specified cookie that is set by the target generic server. Passive affinity is used when a generic server sets an affinity cookie that the proxy can use to manage affinity to a generic server.
The administrator specifies a cookie name and then maps the cookie values to each generic server.
Cookie name
Cookie sent by the server and used by the proxy to determine affinity.
Cookie mapping
The cookie settings to use for a particular generic server.
Action type Description Cookie value Specifies the value for the cookie that is set by the server. The cookie value is mapped to the server defined by the host and port. Host Host name for the target server. Port Specifies the port for the target server.
Time of day rules
Time rule, which is typically used to configure a maintenance window, for generic server cluster routes. We can specify a start time and an end time to include or exclude routing to a particular cluster member.
Click New Time Mapping to access the settings page to specify a time interval for the time mapping. Create, delete, or edit time mappings.
Setting Description Time Start time and end time for the time mapping. Action If the action is set to include, then the server routes actions to the cluster members specified in the time mapping. If the action is set to exclude, the server does not route actions to the specified cluster members during this time interval.
Administer proxy actions Proxy actions collection