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Set up a WebSphere proxy server


A proxy server is a specific type of application server that routes HTTP requests to content servers that perform the work. A reverse proxy server acts as the first point of contact, not including the firewall, for client requests into the enterprise server. A forward proxy server acts as the first point of contact for outbound traffic.

To provide session affinity, failover support, and workload balancing we can set up a web server plug-in, a proxy server, or a secure proxy server.

We can...

This section covers creating a WebSphere proxy server. Note that other proxy servers are available, including ISAM WebSEAL revers proxy servers.

A proxy server configuration provides settings that control how a proxy server can provide services for the enterprise applications and their components. This section describes how to create and configure proxy servers in an existing application server environment.

Set up the proxy server

  1. Create a WebSphere Proxy Server.
  2. Install a Session Initiation Protocol proxy server.
  3. Migrate profiles for the proxy server.
  4. Modify HTTP endpoints
  5. Add HTTP endpoints

What to do next



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