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Proxy actions collection

Use this page to administer actions for the proxy server. Proxy actions include creating, modifying, or deleting rules that affect caching, compression, headers, rewriting, and routing for the proxy server. The Proxy actions collection panel allows configuration of proxy actions from one interface.

From the admin console, click...

        Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server > Proxy actions.

Caching actions

The Caching actions table contains the following fields. Caching actions are set to determine whether a response is cached.

Action name

Name of the caching action. A proxy action name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.

Enable caching

Enable or disable caching.

Default expiration

Default expiration, in seconds, used to determine the validity of cached responses for the URI associated with the cache rule.

Last modified factor

Period of time since the last modification.

Compression actions

Compression actions are set to compress the request message to the server or response message to the client. The Compression actions table contains the following fields.

Action name

Name of the compression action. A proxy action name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.

Compression action type

Specifies whether the action type is a request or a response compression action.

Compression type

Compression type standard to apply to the outbound request sent to the target server or the compression type standard to apply to the response sent to the client.

Header actions

Header actions allow us to add, modify, or delete request and response headers. The Header actions table contains the following fields.

Action name

Name of the header action. A proxy action name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.

Header action type

Specifies whether the action type is a request or a response header action.

Header modify action

Action to be taken on a request or response header, such as set, append, edit, or remove.

Header name

Header name to be sent in the request.

Header value

User-defined value for a request or response header.

Rewriting actions

A rewrite action can modify inbound requests handled by the proxy server. Rewriting actions define how the proxy server rewrites the URL of a response message; for example, to mask the back-end server identity with that of the proxy server. The Rewriting actions table contains the following fields.

Action name

Name of the rewriting action. A proxy action name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.

Rewriting action type

Rewriting action type from a predefined list. See the following table for details.

Rewriting action type Description
Absolute URL response Rewrites an absolute URL from matching attributes in a response.
Redirect location header Rewrites the URL in the relocation header in the HTTP response.
Redirect status code Redirect status code in the first line of a response message.
Relative URL response Rewrites a relative URL in tag attributes a response.
Set cookie domain Rewrites the domain attribute of the set cookie header.
Set cookie path Rewrites the path attribute of the set cookie header.

From pattern

Original URL pattern in the 302 response header from the target server. The pattern can include the asterisk (*) as a wild card symbol. A URL pattern can have one or more asterisks.

To pattern

Resulting pattern after the rewrite. The pattern can include the asterisk (*) as a wild card symbol. A URL pattern can have one or more asterisks.

Routing action

Routing actions define routes to local file system resources for static file serving. The Routing actions table contains the following fields.

Action name

Name of the routing action. A proxy action name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.

Routing type

Routing type from a predefined list: Application server route, Generic server route, Fail route, Redirect route, and Local route.

For more detailed configuration information, see the individual proxy action settings topics.

  • Administer proxy actions
  • Caching action settings
  • HTTP compression action settings
  • HTTP header action settings
  • Rewrite action settings
  • Route action settings
  • Generic server cluster route action settings