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Job status settings

This page displays the job status such as success, partial success, or failed, at each target of the job. Job information, including the job ID, description, activation time, and expiration time, is also displayed.

To view the status of all the targets for a particular job, click Jobs > Status > job_ID.

To view only the successful targets, only the failed targets or only targets with a status of other for a particular job, click Jobs > Status > number for the successful, failed or other targets in the status summary.


Specifies parameters to limit the targets to display. After clicking Find, the Find results are displayed in the table that follows the Find option. Click Reset to assign the parameters the default values.

Parameter name Operators Search strings
Target name Default operator is = (equal to). String or partial string of a parameter. A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*). For example, setting the target name to AppSrv* finds all jobs with a target name that starts with AppSrv. We can search on an exact match for multiple items by including the items to match separated by commas. For example, we can search on two target names by entering AppSrv01, AppSrv02.
Status Valid operators are Succeeded, Partially succeeded, Failed, Rejected, In progress, Distributed, and Not attempted. In progress is the same as ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS in the Status column. Not attempted is the same as NOT_ATTEMPTED in the Status column. Not applicable
Maximum results Not applicable The search string specifies the number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration. The default is 50.

Example: If the targets are EastCoast1, EastCoast2, WestCoast1, and WestCoast2, we can specify the = operator and the East* search string for the target parameter. Job status is displayed for the jobs that include the EastCoast1 and EastCoast2 targets.

Job ID

The job number of the job that we submitted.


Description that you entered when we submitted the job.

Activation time

The activation time is the time that the job is available to start, but not necessarily the time that the job actually starts.

You entered the activation time when we submitted the job.

Expiration time

Expiration time that you entered when we submitted the job.

If the job has not started by the expiration time, the job will not start.

Target Names

Name of each target that is included in the job.


Status of the job at its targets.

Status Description
Succeeded The job completed successfully on the target.
Partially succeeded The job partially completed on the target. Partial success can occur, for example, when a target represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the target complete successfully.
Failed The running of the job on the target failed.
Not attempted The agent for the target has not received the job.
Distributed The agent for the target has received the job, but the job has not completed.
In progress The agent for the target has received the job and is running the job concurrent with other jobs for other targets that belong to the agent.
Rejected The agent rejected the job because the agent does not support the job type. The rejection can happen if a new target is added to the job group after the job is submitted.

Output Files

Names of any output files that contain log messages or other information about the job processing.

For output files that are not binary files, click on a file name to view the contents of the file.

If the output file has one of the following extensions typical of binary files, we cannot link to the file from this page:

  • Administer nodes remotely using the job manager
  • Job status collection
  • Job status history collection