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Job status history collection

This page displays the job status of the target at various stages of the job for the target.

From the admin console, click Jobs > Status > job_ID > job_status.

Click Previous Records and Next Records to scroll backwards and forwards through the list of records if we are not viewing all records in the job history for the target. More records can be generated as the job progresses. These records are retrieved and included in the job history records as you click Previous Records and Next Records.


Use the Find option to limit the submitted jobs to display. After clicking Find, the Find results are displayed in the table that follows the Find option. Click Reset to assign the parameters the default values.

Parameter names Operators Search strings
Job ID Valid operators for the find operation are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null. We cannot use the asterisk in the job ID field. We can search on an exact match for multiple items by including the items to match separated by commas. For example, we can search on two job IDs by entering 119489625729609463, 119489651801509472.
Target name For the target name parameter, specifies the string or partial string of a parameter. A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*). For example, setting the target name to AppSrv* finds all jobs with a target name that starts with AppSrv.
Time stamp Valid operators are >=, and <=. We cannot use the asterisk in the time stamp field. We can search on an exact match for multiple items by including the items to match separated by commas.
Maximum results Not applicable The search string specifies the number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration. The default is 50.

Time stamp

Date and time at which the status is logged for the job running at the target.


Status of the job running at the target for various stages of the job. The following table lists valid statuses with a description of each status.

Status Description
Succeeded The job completed successfully on the target.
Partially succeeded The job partially completed on the target. Partial success can occur, for example, when a target represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the target complete successfully.
Failed The running of the job on the target failed.
Not attempted The agent for the target has not received the job.
Distributed The agent for the target has received the job, but the job has not completed.
In progress The agent for the target has received the job and is running the job concurrent with other jobs for other targets that belong to the agent.
Rejected The agent rejected the job because the agent does not support the job type. The rejection can happen if a new target is added to the job group after the job is submitted.


Specifies error messages associated with the job when the status is Failed.

  • Administer nodes remotely using the job manager
  • Job status collection
  • Job status settings