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Configure trust association using scripting

Use wsadmin.sh to configure and manage trust association configurations in a multiple security domain environment. Trust association enables the integration of the application server security and third-party security servers. More specifically, a reverse proxy server can act as a front-end authentication server while the product applies its own authorization policy onto the resulting credentials passed by the proxy server.

We must meet the following requirements before configuring a trust association:


  1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language. See the Starting the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.

  2. Configure a trust association.

    Use the configureTrustAssociation command to enable the trust association. We can also use this command to create or modify a trust association interceptor.

    The following Jython command creates a trust association for the testDomain security domain and configures the trust association to act as a reverse proxy server:

    AdminTask.configureTrustAssociation('-securityDomainName testDomain -enable true')

  3. Configure the trust association interceptor.

    Use the configureInterceptor command to modify an existing interceptor. The following Jython command uses a WebSEAL interceptor to configure single sign-on for the testDomain security domain:

    AdminTask.configureInterceptor('[-interceptor com.ibm.ws.security.web.TAMTrustAssociationInterceptorPlus 
    -securityDomainName testDomain -customProperties 

  4. Save the configuration changes.


  • Trust associations
  • Configure SSO using trust association
  • Configure security domains using scripting
  • Mapping resources to security domains using scripting
  • Removing resources from security domains using scripting
  • Removing security domains using scripting
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • SecurityConfigurationCommands