Create ODRs
Create on demand router servers to route requests to Intelligent Management nodes. The ODR is aware of the dynamic state of the cell, so that if one server in the cell fails, the requests are routed to another server. The configuration of the ODR in the DMZ is not supported.
The ODR server acts as an intermediary for HTTP requests serviced by application servers or Web servers. By default, the ODR binds to ports 80 and 443 for listening on HTTP and HTTPs, which requires running the ODR as a root user. To run the ODR as a non-root user, change the PROXY listening ports to values greater than 1024.
A deployment manager profile cannot be used as the target profile for an ODR. Only an application server profile can be used as the target node when creating an ODR. To collocate an ODR with a dmgr, a separate Intelligent Management-enabled application server profile must be created and federated on the same machine as the Intelligent Management-enabled deployment manager profile. We can then create an ODR within the application server profile.
The nodes hosting an ODR must be at the same level as the deployment manager.
SIP is not supported on the z/OS operating system. The SIP ODR is stabilized, and is currently not recommended. Use the SIP proxy server instead.
Create an ODR
- Navigate to the ODR creation wizard in the administrative console.
Servers | Server types | On demand routers | New
- Select the node on which we want the ODR to be created.
The selected node is pre-populated with available nodes in the cell. If the environment is a heterogeneous mix of Intelligent Management and nodes running other middleware software, select a product node. If we select a node that is not running the product, the ODR does not start.
(ZOS) Tip: Select a node to run the ODR that does not run any dynamic clusters, unless we are using the z/OS operating system. (ZOS) In a z/OS environment, we can co-locate the ODR on a node that hosts application servers.
- Determine whether to generate HTTP ports, SIP ports, or both.
The Generate unique ports option is selected by default and is the recommended option. If deselected, port conflicts might occur.
- Select a server template to base the new ODR.
Use an application server template on which to model the servers for the new ODR. Use a default template or map an existing application server. Mapping preexisting ODRs can save time. We can build one ODR, apply all of the configurations that the environment needs, and use that ODR as a template.
If we are running Intelligent Management for z/OS, ensure that the SIP option is not selected.
By default, if no rules are specified in the ODR Routing policy HTTP rules section, the newly created ODR automatically routes HTTP requests to backend application servers within the cell. For example, to connect to the snoop servlet by attaching directly to the application server we would go to...
To connect to the snoop servlet via the ODR server, go to..
What to do next
To enable routing to another product cell, configure the cell to communicate with other product cells.
We might want to configure the ODR to route work to nodes that are not running Intelligent Management nodes. After creating the ODR and applying any optional configuration parameters, we can define the ability to route work to nodes that are not running Intelligent Management. Note that the configuration of the ODR in the DMZ is not supported.
Overview of request flow prioritization Topology Configurations for Multi-Cell Routing Create and configure ODRs Configure ODRs Configure the ODR for multi-cluster failover and load balancing routing createodr.jacl script Proxy server settings Intelligent Management: administrative roles and privileges